13| daddy? sorry- father?

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a/n: i love you guys?? pls ur killing me with ur comments <3 keep em coming lmfao


[Hotch] has added [UNKNOWN] to the chat.

[Hotch] Okay, you heathens.

[Morgan] oh boy

[Reid] Greetings, unknown!

[Reid] :)

[UNKNOWN] whatever u think i did i swear it wasnt me

[UNKNOWN] hi reid ^-^

[JJ] ^

[Prentiss] O.O

[Rossi] ...

[Hotch] Who did it.

[Garcia] Who did what??


[Hotch] The bowl of candies.

[Hotch] Who. Did it.

[UNKNOWN] not me

[Reid] The bowl of candy? I saw it here this morning when I got to work.

[Morgan] Same.

[Garcia] What's wrong with the candy??

[JJ] ^ Yeah? Is that illegal now?

[Prentiss] Or did someone do something to the candy??

[Hotch] Whoever did this, mixed Skittles, M&M's, and Reeses Pieces.


[JJ] What in the h

[Morgan] Nah thats wrong....

[Reid] We're working with a psycho.

[Hotch] UNKNOWN was it you??

[UNKNOWN] i??? im not even at work today???

[Hotch] Oh.

[Hotch] I'm not mad.

[Hotch] Whoever did this, it's alright to come forward.

[Rossi] ... yeah good luck on that one Hotch.

[Prentiss] ^

[UNKNOWN] spoopy

[UNKNOWN] see ya

[UNKNOWN] has left the chat.

[Hotch] ...

[Reid] ....

[JJ] Hey uh guys.. we gotta case

[Hotch] Alright.

[Morgan] See u pimps

[Reid] On way!

[Rossi] ... I'm surrounded by maniacs.


[Hotch] Why did you leave the chat?

[UNKNOWN] ahh yess

[UNKNOWN] leave the chat or stay in a chatroom filled with profilers.

[Hotch] Are you scared one of us can figure out your identity?

[UNKNOWN] lmao slightly.

[UNKNOWN] hows finding ur monster among men going

[Hotch] I have a few guesses.


[UNKNOWN] sounds fun

[Hotch] Mhm.

sender unknown| a.hWhere stories live. Discover now