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You were sitting on a bench with your two best friends, Ria and Jihyo. You three were looking at the moon and taking."

„I can't believe we're finally allowed to fight", Ria said.

„But we never fought before we just had a few lessons...", Jihyo said still looking in the moon

„I just want to kill these wolves to be honest"

You gulped at Rias words. The question you asked yourself every day popped out in your mind,

What did they ever do to you?

But you could never ask this. You had to pretend you hated them too. You had too much fear of what would happen if anyone finds out.

„Let's go home. It's late", you said and jumped from the bench.

It was a five minutes walk back to the mansion you lived in. During the walk, you thought about what would happen tomorrow. Not gonna lie. You were afraid. You didn't want to kill any of them as long as they did nothing to you.

The time passed by fast. You said goodbye to your friends, walked into your room, got ready and laid into bed. You didn't need to sleep at all, but you still laid on the bed, looking on the ceiling.

You thought about your whole life. How you grew up. What happened. Where you are now. But then one thing crossed your mind. You started so smile, but you also felt pain.

When you were 14, your clan was very happy and open through everyone, even the wolves, because your mom had the ability to show love to everyone and let them feel loved by her. One day, you walked into the forest, exploring everything, when you saw a boy. You both were extremely shy towards each other, but you more since you could sense he was a human and you were afraid to hurt him. But you two still managed to become friends, good friends.

You met him every day, you talked about everything. You had fun together.

It stopped when your parents died. Your brother forbid you to go out without anyone by your side, no need to explain him you were immortal, he didn't care.

Now you laid in your bed, thinking about everything you talked about, everything you did. A tear rolled down your cheek.

Suddenly, you heard loud noises. You stood up to see it was early morning.

I thought about him all night?, you asked yourself.

You used your special senses to listen closer. You could hear them getting ready so you got up and walked to your dresser. You put on your black ripped jeans combined with a t-Shirt and a leather jacket and got out.

„What are you doing here?", your brother asked sharply, seeing you arrive at the staircase.

„I'm coming with you", you said and looked up to him.

„No, you're staying here, it's too dangerous!"

„If I stay here, there's no one to protect me. If I'm coming wit you, you can protect me", you simply said.

He looked at you pissed off. Really pissed off, but he seemed to think.

„Lucas...", you tried again.

„You'll stay behind me all the time, got it?"

„But I'm faster than you", you teased.

He stared at you dangerously, making you gulp.

„I'll stay behind you..."

He nodded and turned around, calling the members ready to go.

Calling you together, he told that his plan was to enter their district and revolve around the wolves, while he was going in the middle to distract them.

You were very unsure what to do, but you still agreed and followed them. In supernatural speed, you ran behind him, slower as you could since you were the fastest of the group.

You arrived there 2 minutes later together with your brother. You couldn't see your clan members but since you had supernatural sins, you could feel them.

„What do you want to do?", you whispered.

„They're coming", Lucas just said, not even looking at you, but pulling you directly behind him.

Seconds later, you heard them. And then you saw them. Giant wolves coming out of the forest, and it were about 20. The biggest wolve was walking in front of them all, it was black and looked hella dangerous.

Your brother pulled you back behind him, since you glanced over his shoulder.

Something happened, and you questioned yourself what. Your brother felt you getting uncomfortable.

„The alpha wolve turned into his human presence", he whispered.

„What are you doing here?", a man asked.

„Getting revenge for what you did", your brother said sharply.

„And what have we done?"

„Oh, now you're pretending to not know? We all know you killed three of our clan members, we saw you", your brother said in a tone that made you freeze.

„Funny to say we killed your members when you killed our members", the man said.

What?, you took a step away from your brother to show yourself, making you see the whole scenario.

You wanted to defend your clan members when you looked at the alpha wolve. If your heart would've still pound, it would for sure have stopped.

„Chan?", you whispered in horror.

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