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His heart started to beat slower and slower.

Slower, but it was still beating, so you didn't give up yet.

You pressed your hands on his wound again and started to think about what options you had.

Suddenly Minho came next to you and took a glance at Chan.

"Fuck", he said and removed your hands to do it himself.

"I have to turn him, Minho", you said.

"It's too late, you would just kill him"


"He already lost too much blood, if you'd bite him it would be over before he could turn"

"B... but Minho there has to be a way out he... he can't die", you said as tears formed in your eyes again.

He took a deep breath and looked at you.

"I developed a few healing skills but they are very weak"

"Try it", you begged him.

He nodded as you saw his eyes go black as the other hybrids eyes were.

Still kneeling down, you watched him as you suddenly felt an arm around your neck. You reacted right away and turned around, killing the hybrid.

Looking around, it seemed like your clan would lose the fight since you had only a few fighters left.

"Help them, I'll stay here", Minho said as he took a glance at the beach himself.


"I'll stay with him and protect him"

You looked at Minho, who nodded.

"When did you find out?", you asked since it was quite obviously Minho knew about you two.

"I watched you at the beach... but I didn't tell anyone and you shouldn't too"

"Be careful", he said as you started to make your way towards the others.

You already killed the 7th hybrid when you saw how a hybrid was about to attack Jihyo from behind.

Without wasting time, you ran up to her and broke the hybrids neck.

"We should go more to the water", you yelled.

She nodded, "come on"

You both ran up, seeing many hybrids following close behind you. Surely, they hesitated from the water but the neediness to kill was so high that they just stepped into it.

And Minho was right, their legs started to burn and their skin fell off, leaving just their bones.

"Eww", Jihyo commented and looked at them in disgust.

"You need help", you heard a voice behind you.

Ria came out of the water, standing next to you two.

"I brought a few wolves to the island"

You nodded and looked back at the hybrids who already got out of the water.

"Let's kill them before they lose interest and start to attack other members"

Jihyo and Ria nodded before you three ran out of the water, attacking them. Jihyo and Ria took two hybrids, leaving you with 4.

Hopefully Lucas' training will pay off, you thought as you started to attack them.

And it did, you had no problems at all and managed to kill them in a minute.

Seeing Ria still fighting, you used your power to kill the hybrid. And this time, it was easier for you, although it still was a huge amount of energy you lost.

You looked around the beach, looking for Minho when you suddenly felt a sharp pain in your whole body, before something got pulled out of your body again.

It felt like a knife but you already knew what it was.

Well, you thought but you knew you were right when you felt the huge amount of pain inside you.

The poison.

And it was painful. So painful that you couldn't even scream anymore. You fell on the sand and started to cramp.

Your vision started to get blurry and as you looked up, you saw a hybrid over you.

"Don't tell me you really thought you'd get out of here alive"

You wanted to say something but you couldn't control your body anymore.

Feeling his hands wrapping around your neck, you closed your eyes, being ready to die, you just saw the hybrid turning into dust.

"Y/n, y/n hey, stay with me", a male voice said as you felt a light slap against your cheek.

"L... Lucas?", you asked.

"Yes, I'm here"

"I'm going to die"

"No you are not, open your eyes"

It was hard for you, but you managed to open them a bit, seeing his face, which was covered in pain.

Right, he was under the poison himself.

"Where are the wolves?", you asked, you knew you were about to die and you just needed to know where Chan was... and how he was.

"They're mostly at the island... but the alpha is laying at the right side and he seemed to be injured"

"Bring him to the island"

"What? Why?", your brother asked confused.

Should I tell him? Should I not? I'm about to die anyways, he can know. He can try to keep Chan alive.

"I... he...", you started but your eyes felt heavy again

"Y/n what did they give you?"

"Poison", you mumbled.

He turned you around and looked at your back before he looked into your eyes again.

"Listen, they gave you so much That you'll have the illusion that you'll die but you won't, okay. Believe me. You are not going to die"

You nodded and kept your eyes open.



"I... love Chan"

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