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They were about to die.

The thing you feared the most would happen. It would happen and you couldn't do anything about it.

Still standing behind the tree, you couldn't move in fear, your nails were digging in it.

Usually it was normal for you to keep cool and come up quick with a good plan but this time your mind was all over the place. Nothing was forming in your head , just a voice inside you screaming.

Save them.

If you would run to them it would be over. Not only for Chan and Lucas, but also for you. But something in you still pushed you to do it.

The hybrids were still standing around them. Even from afar you could see the tension and happiness to finally get to kill someone.

"Hmm... who should we pick first...?", the leader asked.

"I think the wolve... since you stole one of our hybrids"

"I didn't steal him", Chan said.

Since one of the hybrids slightly moved, it was the first time for you to get a better look at Chan.

He was turned into his human form and there was blood all over his body. He had a few wounds on his chest and face but none of them was so dangerous that he could die of it.

Your brother, who was next to him, just had messy hair, since he couldn't get hurt.

Surprisingly, both of them weren't tied up or something.

But they also weren't stupid enough to get use of that. They knew it was impossible for them to get out there.

You saw the leader of the hybrids giving two members next to him a sign.

You were helpless. On the edge of crying. You had to do something but you didn't know what.

When you saw the hybrids walking up to Chan, something in you broke. And that intense feeling took over your senses.

And that was why you just ran over. Controlled of sadness and pain.

But suddenly an arm wrapped around your waist and pulled you back while another hand was covering you mouth.

You wanted to defeat yourself but that wasn't necessary,

"If you run there, you'll die", Minho whispered in your ear.

It was no question that he was right but you still were controlled by your feelings and not able to think straight. You tried to free yourself off Minho's grip but it was hopeless. He was too strong.

You just gave up and started to cry hard. So hard, that you started to scream but Minho's and covered it from being heard.

The tears in your eyes made it impossible for you to take a look at them but that was not necessary anymore.

You knew you had lost him.

"Stop", the leader suddenly said.

You lifted your head up and looked at Minho. He was smirking. His actions made you face the hybrids again.

The hybrids, who already has their knives on Chan's body immediately stopped their actions and looked confused at their leader.

"Now I know why I knew your face", the leader said and faced your brother.

"You're the son of the vampires I killed a few years ago, right?"

Your brother eyes turned into a dark shade of red and he growled dangerously.

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