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"The hybrids are coming"

You froze.

You knew they would come. You knew you would've to fight against them... but now?

Now, where everything started to turn out perfect.

You finally found your safe spot and now you were about to lose it?

Anger crawled up in you, slowly, before it hit you like a wave.

You clenched your fists. You were ready to fight for you love. For your future.

Chan noticed your clenched fists and laid his hand on yours. A simply gesture but it really calmed you somehow.

"I think it's better if we go back to the others", Chan spoke up.

"Yes, but I'll follow you behind, I'm sure my members are searching for me"

The siblings nodded before they turned into their wolve form and started running in the mansion's direction.

You took a deep breath.

Calm down, you said to yourself, you'll work things out. You both will get out there alive.

One last time you looked at the sunset, which looked so peaceful.

Then you made your way to the mansion.

"I searched for you everywhere! Where have you been?!", you brother groaned as soon as you arrived.

"I was taking a walk", you said, scanning the situation.

Everyone was at the beach, but they were not parted in vampires and wolves.

No, they were running around like a mess, speaking with loud voiced about what to do.

"Mind informing me?", you looked at Lucas.

"Some of our spy's saw them at the east side, about 3 miles away from us"

"How much time do we have left?"

"I think nearly an hour"

"So we have to fight against them in the dark?"

"Do or die", he said and sighed in frustration.

"What?", you asked, a bit worried. Your brother was in a worried state you never saw before.

He was always the first one to start a fight. He loved it. He trained and trained just to get the best.

But now it seemed like he wanted the fight to never start. No, he seemed so worried that you shivered in fear.

"Look around, we're about 100 all together, our spy said they're nearly a whole army. About 300"

You gulped hard. "We are going to die?"

"I think so", he said.

And this time you saw sadness in his eyes. He looked at you and tried to smile, before he did something you thought he would never do. Something you didn't except at all, which caught you completely off guard.

He pulled you in a hug.

In shock, you hugged him back, looking over his shoulder. You met eyes with Chan who was smiling lightly. He winked at you.

After you pulled back, to smiled at your brother, but he wasn't smiling at all.

He looked behind you at the mainland. When you turned around your smile also faded.

Your spy's were running straight into the water, waving at you.

You immediately knew that you would've have a hour left. More about a few minutes.

"Come together and listen up", your brother shouted.

To your surprise, Minho walked up next to you and your brother didn't really seemed to mind.

"Listen, if you want to kill them, you have to break their neck"

"And throw them in fire?", you asked.

"That's the way to kill a vampire. But my old clan has huge problems with water. I think their body will burn in water"

"How can a body burn in water", Ria, who was standing in the circle around your 3, asked sarcastically.

"Don't ask, just throw them in there", Minho gave back.

"Stop it", you said.

Everyone looked at you.

"What if we would do a safe spot here? I mean for the injured ones... would be a good decision if they won't go overseas"

"That's right", Minho said.

"We can't get injured", your brother added.

You rolled your eyes. You knew it.

"We'll do so. Do you have a doctor?", you asked Minho.

He nodded. "Seungmin?"

Another wolve turned into his human form and came up to you.

"I'll take my team", he said and both you and Minho nodded.

"How do we transport the injured ones here?"

"Let's take a few people to drive a boat, just put it in the water so you would have to cross it before you reach the boat so that the hybrids can't reach it", Seungmin said.

"We have to go. Quick", your brother said.

You couldn't see anything but thanks to your supernatural senses you could feel them. And they were near.

"Let's go then", you said, jumping straight into the water.

Arrived at the mainland you took a deep breath.

You carefully walked up to Chan, who was in his human form. Making sure no one paid attention to you, you took a step closer to him.

"Be careful. Don't die. Don't get hurt", you whispered.

He smiled and squeezed your hand. "Same goes for you"

"I love you Chan", you said and looked at him.

At this point you were sure he could see the pain and fear in your eyes.

"I love you too"

But before you could to anything, you felt a huge wave of energy.

And there they were.

There they stood right in front of You with black eyes.

Ready to fight.

Ready to kill everyone of you.

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