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Ready to kill everyone of you.

They stood right in front of you all. And they looked scary. Really scary.

Not really like normal humans. Their eyes were completely black, but still glowing somehow. Their hands looked like claws and their whole body was taller than y'all's was.

You gulped hard. Why was everyone so sure that you could defeat them? It clearly looked like they could kill you in less than a second.

Additionally, it was very dangerous for you not knowing about their powers. You didn't know how fast or strong they were, how good they would be fighting or if someone has powers like you or Lucas.

So you had to hold back. Stay away from the fight first and watch them.

Chan looked at you and even he was not able to hide the fear in his eyes.

"Chan listen", you whispered and he nodded.

"I need to know about their powers and test if mine has affections on them. Can you give me backup?"

He nodded. "Let's stay near the water then", he said before he turned into his wolve form.

You looked at the hybrids. They were walking very slow but they didn't seem to stop walking.

And you knew exactly why.

They attacked.

Without any warnings, they started to run into your little group, causing the fight to begin right away.

You ran close to the water as you saw 2 of the hybrids coming in your direction. Chan was right behind you, keeping an eye on them while you searched a safe spot.

The hybrid power list in your head started to note the first thing.

1. They were as fast as you were but due your ability to run faster than you clan members they were faster than them.

You ran into a forest and hid with Chan between a few trees.

"Can you handle them?", you asked.

He nodded. "Be careful", you whispered before Chan jumped at them both.

It was your turn now. You faced the left hybrid and concentrated on your powers.

The hybrid was stronger than Chan's sister was so you had to add more and more power until the hybrid finally started to move and sank on his knees.

2. They are stronger than wolves.

You added a bit more before the hybrid finally felt into the grass.

3. You had to use a huge wave of energy to kill them with your powers so you wouldn't been able to use them often

And then something weird happened.

The hybrid turned into dust.

Even chan was distracted and hella shocked by this. Unfortunately, the other hybrid wasn't so he attacked Chan.

But you were faster than both of them and jumped right in front of him. You grabbed the hybrid and threw him against a tree before Chan bit his head off.

He also turned into dust.

You wanted to stay together with him but that changed due a few seconds.

Chan saw how his sister howled in pain as she got attacked by 3 hybrids while you saw how Ria, who was on your right side, also got attacked and it really seemed like she wasn't able to handle it.

Without thinking twice, you both separated. You ran to the right, deeper into the forest while Chan made his way to the left side, near the beach.

Since you came from behind and the hybrid was distracted with Ria, it was easy for you to snap is neck.

Ria didn't seem shocked the moment he turned into dust. She just thanked you and made her way to another hybrid.

But you looked around. A hybrid was running in Minho's direction.

That was the moment you noticed something. Minho was in his human form?!

You ran up to them, ready to kill the hybrid, who was right in front of you now, but Minho grabbed your wrist.

"Don't kill him. Please"

Extremely confused, you looked at Minho and then at the Hybrid.

And something was off, the hybrid didn't seem to attack you two.

No, the came up to you two and hugged Minho.

"I told you to join us", Minho said and slapped his butt.

"I did now", the other hybrid groaned.

"What is going on here?!", you asked them.

"This is Jisung, my brother. We both got separated but I saw him when we got here so I told him to spy for us since we was in the same clan than the other hybrids here", Minho explained.

You sighed hard and rolled your eyes. "Too many surprises today"

They both smirked before they turned around to a few other hybrids.

"I'll see you soon, Y/n... hopefully", Minho said and attacked together with Jisung.

Speaking of brothers, you didn't even know where your brother was and you decided to search him up.

Avoiding the hybrids while walking into the beach's direction you suddenly heard someone crying.

You turned around and a few meters away from you there stood a little teenage girl.

She leaned on a tree and looked up with fear in her eyes.

The cause of the fear was another hybrid.

"I told you to help kill them all or you will get killed"

"B...but I never killed anyone... please... don't kill me"

The hybrid laughed. "Say goodbye"

He was just about to lay his hands on her neck when you started to run. You didn't think of the consequences this could have, you just wanted to help the little girl.

Within a few seconds, he was already dust.

The girl, who covered her face with her hands looked up to you.

The moment she saw your red eyes, she started to cry again.

"Shhh... I'm not here to kill you", you said and carefully touched her shoulder.

She flinched, but then gave you the access to let your hand rest on her shoulder.

"Where are your parents? What happened?", you asked and stroked her shoulder.

"Dead, my own clan members killed them and they told me when I don't kill vampires and wolves the same will happen to me", she said and sniffed.

You nodded and looked up.

"Climb up the tree and hide so the other hybrids won't find you, ok?", you said and helped her to get up.

She nodded and started to climb.

"Thank you", she said before she disappeared.

You still hadn't found your brother or Chan and it got you really worried so you started to run in the beach direction.

Killing a few hybrids on your way, you finally arrived.

And frowned.

You found your brother. And Chan. Together.

Together, but inbetween a circle of nearly 100 hybrids.

Hybrids, who looked at them with a passion to kill.

"Now I can kill both leaders at the same time, what a perfect timing", one of the hybrids, their leader said.

You knew it and Chan and Lukas knew it.

They were about to die.

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