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„Chan?", you whispered in horror.

Your brother turned around to you, but your eyes were glued on Chan, who was turning to you right at this moment. When he saw you, his eyes widened.

Yes, it was him. Your best friend. The one you had to left, making your heart break and you cry so much.

„What?", your brother asked harshly, getting you out of your state of shock, making you focus again.

„Nothing", you said looking at your brother and then back at the other wolves, „we didn't kill any of you", you said to them and turned to your brother again, „did we?"

He clenched his jaw, but agreed. „We didn't"

„So you want to tell us we saw vampires but it wasn't you?", Chan said to your brother.

„I don't want to tell you, I am telling you", Your brother said, his eyes glowing red.

„How do you know that you saw vampires?", you asked and turned to the wolves.

„Because we are not dump. Humans can not run this fast and they could never kill one of us", one wolve said who also turned into his human presence.

But Chan thought the same way as you did. „You mean Hybrids?"

„Don't talk shit like that, the Hybrids didn't kill anyone of us for almost 100 years", your brother said harshly

„Cause they weren't here, what if they came here now?", you said, still looking at the wolves.

„Y/n, I didn't know what has gotten into you, but stop talking such a shit", Lucas turned around to you completely, letting you see his anger.

„Then how do you explain yourself all of this? It wasn't them who killed our members and it wasn't us who killed theirs"

Your brother clenched his jaw again, looking at you like he wanted to kill you right here.

„You're so smart, don't let your anger take control of it ", you begged him.

„It makes no sense, why should they attack us now", he said and took a deep breath.

„They're living to kill us. We just lived very hidden here, what if they somehow got to know where we are"

„It would at least explain why we saw vampires and you saw wolves", Chan said.

Your brother glared after him, „I'm not dump, wolve"

You sighed. „What now?"

„We have to wait. Find out if we're really speaking about Hybrids here"

„So you want to wait and get more of us killed?", your eyes still on your brother.

„There's nothing else we can do"

You wanted to start a discussion, when you suddenly heard a scream, making you and your brother turn around.

One of your clan members, Tae felt down a cliff and landed about 100 meters away from you. Not standing up directly. That was the moment you knew something was wrong. You wanted to run up to him, but your brother hold you tightly to him.

Ria jumped down the cliff carefully, walking up to Tae's body, checking on him. When she looked up, her eyes were widened in shock. She pulled up his body.

His headless body.

You gasped in horror and stumbled back. A second later, Ria was besides you, holding Tae's body in her arms, tears rolling down her face. You knew they had been close.

„What did you do?!", she screamed at Chan and wanted to walk up to him but your brother grabbed her and pulled her back.

You weren't sure what she meant when you took a look at Tae's lifeless body. He had bitemarks everywhere. Clearly made by a wolve.

You looked shocked to Chan and the man besides him, but he wasn't looking less shocked than you all did.

„It wasn't one of us. We're complete", he whispered.

His reaction made you believe him immediately and your brother seemed to believe him too.

„Guess we shouldn't wait then. We have to do something", your brother said.

The other members of your clan appeared, walking behind you three.

„We can't discuss it here. Do you have a place to go?", you asked.

„Do you know where the east-clan lived before they disappeared?", he looked at you.

„But that's too far away", you said shocked.

„What a luck that we're vampires and able to run fast", Licas said sarcastically.

„What about the wolves?"

Lucas looked at Chan with a very clear I-wish-you-would-die-face but then sighed.

„Are you ok with following us?"

„And how do we know that we can trust you?", the man besides Chan asked.

Chan just looked at you. You knew he trusted you.

„Well you can come with us or stay here. If you stay here you all will get killed right away. And I would he happy if we could hurry up a bit, the hybrids are obviously here", Lucas said harshly.

Chan nodded. „We'll come with you"

„Good. But keep your distance from us, otherwise I might be willing to kill to"

You rolled your eyes.

Perfect, you thought, this is going to be very funny.

Turned out it wasn't.

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