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„Why did you follow me?"

You gasped in horror and turned around.

Chan was leaning against a tree, dressed in black sweatpants and a black hoodie, hair still wet. You couldn't deny the fact that he indeed looked hot.

„I wanted to talk to you", you mumbled, avoiding eye contact since you couldn't really handle it now.

„About what? Everything that comes out your mouth in my direction is cold and disrespectful... not like a few years ago"

The first sentence made you gulp but the second caught you really off guard. You looked up to him, locking eyes.

„That's why I wanted to talk to you", you said but then got a bit shy, „I... didn't mean to be so cold. To be honest... I just wanted to speak with you since all these years but... I was fearing my brother"

He got away from the tree, slowly walking up to you.

„So you just pretended that hate towards me? To save me from your brother?"

You nodded. „I bet if he would see us talking here right now, he would kill you on spot"

He walked past you, making you confused as hell, but for sure you followed him.

He said nothing, just walking till he arrived on the hidden beach, sitting down in the sand, looking at the water. A bit unsure what to do, you sat next to him with a bit distance.

It was a moment silence before he spoke up.

„Where have you been?", he said silently, „You came every day and then it suddenly stopped"

„I... my parents died. My brother blamed it on you. Told everyone your clan killed them. I don't believe it, don't worry.... and also... he protected me, I could barely went anywhere without being watched by someone. I was afraid to come", you looked down, playing with your fingers.

„I'm sorry for that", he whispered, taking a glance at you.

„You never told me you were a wolve"

„Yeah... I found out a few days after you weren't coming anymore... I had no chance to tell you"

„But look at you now... the leader of a clan"

„I don't know how it happened... our alpha died and the rest of the members chose me to be the new alpha"

You smiled to yourself. Good decision, you thought.

Sitting next to each other, looking at the water made you calm down. It felt like home to you. Being with all the clan members at home at your mansion was ok, but there always had been one thing that wasn't there. And now you found it.

„Do you think we're surviving this", he suddenly asked.

„Hard to say. We have no idea how many they are or what they actually are. But we have many members with special powers which are quite useful"

„Do you have a special power?", he asked and you could feel his interest out of it.

„Yeah but... not a good one... since my parents died... me and my brother are able to let people feel physical pain and we're also able to kill them with it"

„So you're able to kill people without even touching them?"

„Yeah but I never did it before"

„What about your eyes? Yours look normal but earlier your brother looked at me with red eyes"

You giggled at his interest but still responded serious.

„They're normal until we're for example at the edge of our self control... being aggressive... or thirsty"

„The blood... do you take it from humans?"

„Yes, of humans. I'm still a monster, Chan"

„Not in my eyes", he added silently.

You smiled weakly. Without thinking twice, you slowly leaned your head against his shoulder. His body flinched at the sudden contact at first, but then it normalized again.

„I came to our place every single day, hoping that you would come back to me", he whispered.

„Why?", you asked.

„Because I didn't want to loose you"

You took your head from his shoulders, looking right into his eyes.

You didn't say a word, neither did he. All you heard was his quickend heartbeat and the sound of the waves.

Not breaking eye contact, his face slowly came closer to yours. You gaze slowly travelled down to his lips. Yes, you wanted to kiss him. You wanted it really bad.

When you suddenly heard a voice.

„Y/n?", it shouted, very close to where you two were sitting.

And it was no other than your Brother.

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