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"you brought a hybrid here?!"

Chan gulped but still looked in your eyes.

"Yes, I did", he said and nodded in his betas direction.

"Minho is a Hybrid"

"What did you think?!", your Voice got a bit louder.

"He came to our clan and we treated him as a wolve"

"I could help you", Minho grunted while being tied up by your members.

"Right, we could test on you how to torture and kill hybrids", your brother said with crossed arms and a little smirk.

"Or I could teach you how a hybrid thinks and fights... before I came to Chan I lived with hybrids for a long time"

"We don't know how to torture hybrids, that would be more helpful. Boys, bring him to our cellar", your brother said.

While listening to the boys, a plan formed in your head. Your members started to walk away with Minho between them, ready to kill him.

"No", you said, loud and cold.

Everyone was slightly shocked at your action and looked at you with wide eyes. Even the clan members with Minho stopped and turned around.

"What", your brother asked you in a dangerous tone, his eyes started to slowly fill red.

"He is helpful", you said.

"Do you know the weak points of a hybrid?", you asked and looked at Minho.


"Look", you said and looked at your Brother.

"There's no sense if we would just kill him, he knows the weak points, how they think and most important, how they fight. It would be good to look how they fight instead of just fighting against the wolves", you added.

Lucas looked at you, his eyes slightly red and his jaw clenched.

He turned around to look at the his members who were carrying Minho.

"You heard her. Let him go", he said.

"Good, Training tomorrow, the sun is already going down so you're free to enjoy the evening", you commanded, not giving a glance to your brother, just walking off.

You looked behind you after 5 min of walking through the forest. No one behind you.

Enjoying your walk and the silence around you, somebody suddenly grabbed your wrists.

Out of reflex, you grabbed the persons arm and threw them on the floor, only to see it was Chan, who was groaning in pain.

But out of your anger, you weren't feeling bad at all. He lied to you. He was with that girl. He brought a hybrid. He never told you about anything.

"See me at the hidden beach, you just have to walk at the Right end of the Forest. I'll explain you everything th-", He couldn't finish the sentence cause he got shocked.

Shocked of your glowing red eyes. You couldn't hold back your anger anymore.

What did the think? Lying to you in every way possible and then thinking you would have a beach date with him?

"Don't ever talk to me again or I'll take the hybrids work and kill you all", you groaned and walked away in your supernatural speed.

Sitting down on a big rock somewhere, you watched the sun slowly going down while thinking about everything. Well- you tried to but your thoughts always went to Chan.

You knew him for so long. And you knew him good. Too good to believe there was no reason behind all his actions.

You had to know the reason to get in peace with him again. To get in peace with yourself.

So you decided to accepted his "invitation". Following down the forest, you got lost in the nature. All the time being on the island, you had no time to actually discover it. But one thing you were sure about was that the spot Chan discovered was beautiful.

And it turned out it really was. The water was clear and it was really private.

You searched for Chan, scanning the beach.

When your jaw dropped.

You clenched your fists, feeling your eyes going red again. Oh, never in your "life" did you ever wanted to kill someone so bad like you wanted now.

Cause there he was.

Standing with the girl who was in his room. Hugging her tightly, his hand on her waist, the other one stroking her hair.

A single tear slowly rolled down your face.

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