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And his heart started to beat much slower.

You couldn't move.

You blend out everything around you.

His clan members were running to him, some as wolve, some as human.
Jihyo and Ria were talking, but you heard their voices as if they were meters away.
Your brother stood there, looking somehow satisfied.

And Chan... Chan just laid there, not moving.
But it seemed like he still had enough power to hold is wolve form.

His clan members were around him, lifting him up and bringing him away.

You stood up, walking to your brother.

You would've loved to just beat the shit out of him but that was quite dump.

„What now?", you asked him, trying to hide your anger.

„We'll continue tomorrow"

You nodded, „I'm in my room... good work"

That was the point when you just walked away.

You were in your room the whole day. Luckily, no one disturbed you so youngster the time. You took a shower, explored your room and take a look in the wardrobe.

You were really happy since your former roommate seemed to have the same taste as you.

But now you just sat on your bed, wearing sweatpants with a sHoRT croptop and looked at the water and the moon.

Your thoughts were always on Chan, how he was feeling, if he was in pain much and lastly, if the thought of you too.

Thinking about him again you couldn't help it anymore. It felt like your whole body was needing him, so you decided to just take the risk. With that, you took a long view outside and jumped out of the window.

His window could indeed be locked but you knew it better. Chan would let it open. So you were not surprised when you finally arrived and looked up. With a big jump, you landed on the wall outside the window, your foot on the windowsill and the rest of your body in the air.

You took a glance in the room to make sure no one would be inside except Chan before you just jumped in.

Chan, who laid on the bed, lifted his head.

"I waited for you", he said and smiled warmly.

But you couldn't smile back at him at all. His whole upper body was wrapped in a bandage.

You were standing there, not saying a word, just staring.

Chan stood up and came to you before carefully wrapping his arms around you, but you pulled back.

"Don't! You will get hurt"

He slightly smiled and shook his head before hugging you. You didn't really know where to put your hands so you carefully stroked his back.

He slowly pulled away after some minutes, looking at you.

"What did he do to you?", you whispered.

"He broke me 5 rips", he said but when he saw the horror in your face he quickly added "but it's not that bad"

"Sure it isn't", you grunted, not believing him at all.

"I should go then, you need your sleep"

You wanted to turn around and go back to your room again but he grabbed your wrist.

"Stay with me"

You turned and looked at him. His eyes, his whole body language was telling you that he really wanted you to be with him.

You smiled and sat down on his bed.

"Since you're not able to sleep caused by your injuries, what do you want to do?", you asked and raised and eyebrow.

Chan seemed to be caught but after that he sighed.

"Would be fine I think. I actually wanted to take a walk but the risk of being caught is too high"

You nodded and watched him sitting down on the bed. He put his arm around you and let you two fall on the bed backwards.

You spend hours on talking about your past when you suddenly heard a knock on the door.

You jumped off of the bed and looked at Chan.

"Walk-in closet", he said.

Not even a second later you were in there, Right at the time the door opened. From your spot, you were able to see and hear everything.

Moments later you wished you would've never been.

A girl entered, walking up to Chan while slowly starting to let her hands travel over his arms up to his shoulders to his neck.

"Are you coming?", she asked.

"Y-yeah, but give me a few minutes", he said and removed her hands off him, going to the direction of his door.

"See you then", the girl said and walked out.

As soon as the door closed, you walked out of the closet too.

"Y/n I swear it was not what it looked like. Let me explain", he said calmly.

"It's ok Chan, you don't have to", you said.

And jumped out of the window.

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