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"Do it."

Mara looked you deep in the eyes to be sure you're aware of what she just said.

She then nodded and laid her hands on Chan's chest and closed her eyes. Kinda confused of what she just did, you just glanced at minho, slightly uncomfortable.

Minho gave you a quick nod before he walked next to mara and also kneeled down.

"You need help?"

Mara shook her head, eyes still glued on chan, when she slightly nodded in lucas' and your direction.

Since you also noticed, you moved back to your brother, kneeling next to his now lifeless body. You were not sure wether to touch him or not but as soon as you felt Minho stroking your back, your emotions took over you once again and you bursted out into tears.

You remembered everything.
How you played in the forest with him as a child.
How he always ran around with you to discover every part of the world.
How he gave you advices when you were feeling down.
How he hugged you and comforted you when you were crying. When your parents died.
How he got colder, just to protect you because he didn't want to lose you either.
You remembered how responsible he was when you told him about Chan.
The last look in his eyes before he decided to die for you.
You were everything for him. He changed for you. To protect you. He loved you. He did all that for you just to die for you.

The picture that would never leave you again. The last look in his eyes.

You grabbed him by his shoulders and shook him, hoping he would awake, although you knew he wouldn't.

Minho grabbed your shoulders and held you tight.

"Y/n stop it, it's not going to change anything"

"But he's my brother"

"I know", he said and turned you to Chan.

"What if I lose him too?", you whispered to him.

"You won't"

You listened to chan's heartbeat when it suddenly stopped. Noticing it too, Mara got away from Chan and sat down, sighing.

"No, help him, help him. Please", you cried out.

"Y/n", Minho said and tried to calm you.

But you didn't want to listen. No. First your brother and now your boyfriend.

You tried to free yourself from Minho's grip but it was too tight. Without thinking twice, you used your powers on him, causing him to let you go out of pain.

With tears all over your face, you stumbled to Chan, touching his cheek and tried to somehow get him awake.

"Y/n", Minho tried again.

Chan was still not moving, no heartbeat. You wanted to stumble back but your arms bend out of weakness, causing you to fall on his chest.

"Mara do something"

"I can't do anything, I already did all I was able to do"

Your head played all the memories with chan, as if it was a movie.

How you met him that one day in the forest, confused what he was and where he came from.
How you came back every day, having so much fun with him.
How you had to leave him and never came back to the place again.
How you saw him again.
How you and him met up secretly just to confess to each other after all these years.
And how he was ready to die for your brother because he knew he loved you.

But he died for your brother, who died for you.

And you couldn't handle that. Then both dying for you.

Suddenly, you felt how someone stroked your hair. Thinking it was Minho, you wanted to slap his hand away but it wasn't Minho.

"Chan?", you whispered and lifted your head up.

He sat himself up and smiled at you. Without wasting time, you threw yourself in his arms.

Not able to control yourself a tiny bit, you let everything out.

Your nails digging in his hair and your head on his chest, still without a heartbeat, he held you tight.

Right where you belonged to be.

"Oh no", you heard him suddenly whispering.

You didn't had to look up to know that he saw your brother. Your dead brother.

"I'm so sorry", he said.

You lifted your head up and looked into his eyes.

They were black now and looked kinda scary but the love in his eyes was still the same.

He cupped your cheek before leaning in, causing your lips to finally touch.

2 Months later

"I missed being here", you said as you pulled Chan under the tree.

After Chan woke up, you travelled back to the island, picking up everyone and decided to head back to the old mansion. You removed the strict lines between the vampires and wolves district and opened the mansion for everyone.

The hybrids were finally defeated and you didn't had to fear danger anymore.

You held a funeral for lucas and everyone else who lost their life's in the fight. It was quite emotional, but it made a strong bound between the vampires and wolves and somehow build a friendship.

"It really brings back all the old memories", Chan agreed and pulled you closer.

The other members were all in the mansion, talking with each other like doing some stuff, but you pulled Chan away from them, leading him to the place you both met first.

Now you two stood there, under the big tree who gave you a big amount of comfort.

Since it was december, it suddenly started to snow heavily. Chan wanted to pull you back in the mansion but you stopped him.

"Let's stay here, it's cozy", you said and snuggled into his chest.

He wrapped his arms around you tightly, as he would never let you go again.

"Do you miss him?", he asked carefully.

You knew who he was speaking of.

"Sometimes, but since I have you it gets easier for me to handle"

"I love you", Chan whispered.

"I love you too."


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