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Your alarm rang.

You got up, excited but a bit scared.

Because of the walls, you couldn't hear if anyone crossed by so you tried to glance down if someone was out there.

There were still a few vampires of your clan, but they were far enough to not see you.

Opening the window, you turned on the lights in your bathroom and locked the door so if anyone would come in they would just be thinking you would be in there.

You quickly jumped out of the window, landing in the sand. You ran to the house of the wolves, using your supernatural speed to not be seen by them.

Right side, first floor, you remembered.

Arriving at the Right side of the building, you looked up.

Chan's room was not lighted but the window was indeed open. Still a bit confused, you climbed up the wall, having no problem.

You got in the room. Climbing out of the window, you looked around.

No ones here, you thought confused and checked the clock again. Shortly after 3 a.m

You noticed a small light at the right side of the room.

Right, the bathroom and walk-in closet

But you still hesitated. You didn't want to bump into his bathroom.

You slowly entered the walk-in closet, where the lights were dimmed.

Suddenly, you got pushed at a wall and trapped between arms.

You looked up to see Chan looking at you, somehow a bit aggressive, there was no hint of the soft hearted Chan you've walked with at the beach.

„Chan?", you whispered.

One of his hands left the wall and got its way up to your waist. You flinched slightly at the sudden contact.

Chan came closer to you, finally showing himself in the light.

You had no doubt that he just came out of the shower. His hair was still wet, making him look absolutely adorable.

But his eyes were the same as a few moments ago. Dark and dangerous.

His hand slowly travelled up to your neck, grabbing it harshly and pulling you to him.

He was faster as you could react but you knew it would happen. So you let him.

He closed the space between you two and crashed his lips onto yours.

As soon as you felt the contact, it was like the whole world wasn't existing anymore. It was just you with him. Feeling the warmth of his lips and his body was all you wanted. All you have waited for so long.

Your hands made their way to his hair, grabbing it. Meanwhile, his hands were on your shirt, slightly lifting it.

Your kiss got heated from second to second, when he suddenly pulled away.

„Omg Y/n I'm so sorry! I couldn't control myself", he gasped and breathed heavily.

You shook your head, still looking at his lips, which were now red and swollen. You walked up to him and kissed him again. This time softer.

When you pulled back, you looked in his eyes. He looked at you lovingly, pulling you into his arms.

„I waited so long for this", he whispered on your ear.

You just nodded since your eyes filled with hears god knows why.

Chan noticed and lifted you up bridal style, carrying you to his bed. He laid you down with him, pulling you in his arms while slowly stroking your hair.

„What's going on?", he asked.

„I'm just happy to be with you", you mumbled and snuggled closer to him.

You laid there a while, before you decided to speak up again.



„We have to hide", you said.

„I know. Your plan is good. We'll just pretend to hate each other, we'll see when and where we can secretly meet up"

You knew it would work. You just had to be careful. And it would be hard, you hated it to treat Chan like he was your enemy. But it was worth it.

Laying there, enjoying each other's presence, you noticed how the sun was slowly rising. Chan also seemed to notice

„You have to go. We'll see us later"

You got up but stopped on front of the window.

„Chan be careful. Please. Don't fight against my brother. He's just doing this so he can hurt you and he won't hesitate to hurt you really bad"

Chan chuckled a bit and wrapped his arms around your waist.

„I'm not fighting for the first time"

„Just be careful"

He nodded and kissed your forehead.

„Go", he said.

You looked at him and then jumped out of his window, running back in your room.

Arrived, you had 60 seconds before your door swung open and revealed your brother.

„Ready to fight?"

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