Chapter 12

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Stefania's POV

Today I am asking Danielle to be my girlfriend. Jake and I are no longer in contact with each other. Turns out he did have a little bit of feelings toward me even after I professed my love for Danielle to him. I knew Danielle wouldn't be comfortable with someone being around me that had feelings for me and to be honest, neither would I.

My plan is for us to have a little getaway in the mountains for a couple days. I already checked with Krista so we're good to go.

I know how much Danielle likes being in a cabin in the mountains and cuddling under a blanket in front of the fire. Me, not so much because of the cold so we'll see how much I enjoy this trip. I'm sure I'll like it because she's there and that's all that matters. Danielle knows I'm more of a beach gal so hopefully she sees how much thought and effort I'm putting into this.

I've already called the cabin resort and everything is ready. There's a nice restaurant a couple buildings away from the cabin we'll be staying at and it's still on the campus. There's also room service so that's what we'll be eating in the morning. On the back patio of our cabin we have a whole view of the place and that's where the sun sets and rises so tonight if the weather is good I'm going to do it then.

Jaina and Barrett have lied and said they're taking her to a surprise for the three of them so they know what she needs to pack. I'm already packed and ready to go. As much as I would love for Jeff to come, I'd like it to just be us two and I think Danielle would also. Barrett has actually offered to watch her so that's where she's at.

Since Jaina and Barrett are bringing her to our cabin and dropping her off to me, I put all my things in my car and speed off. Half way there I get a text from Jaina saying Danielle is about to call me so I need to make up something of where I am. Incoming call pops up on the screen of the radio and I hit accept.

"Hello?" I ask with anticipation to hear her voice.

"Stefania— wait why are you in the car?" She asks.

"How did you know I was in the car?" I ask confused.

"Because I can hear it." She laughs.

Oh right. "I'm on the way to the grocery store. I can hear a car, where are you going?" I ask already knowing the answer.

"I don't know, Jaina and Barrett are dragging me with them somewhere and won't tell me where." She says agitated. "And Jaina wouldn't let me sit in the front." I can hear her pout through the phone. I cant wait to see her.

"I'm about to pull into a parking spot but update me later?" I ask as I'm getting closer to the cabin.

"Okay, I love you bye." She says then ends the call.

I nearly swerve over from what she said. I don't know if she means it since a lot of people say that before hanging up. Still I can't wipe off the smile from my face knowing that she may love me back.

When I arrive at the cabin I hide my car around back and go in. It's absolutely beautiful inside and outside. Now I know why Danielle loves this so much. Although I don't like how cold it is, the snow is beautiful up here.

I put my suitcase in the master bedroom that is upstairs. The bedroom is basically a glass box. The walls are see through so we can see the mountains outside. It's a stunning view that's for sure.

I know Danielle will be here shortly so I walk downstairs and watch tv for a bit. I was thinking we can finish Friends tonight since we're on the last season.

"Hello! Is anyone in here?" I hear at the door. Did Jaina and Barrett just leave her out there? "Look my friends just left me here so if someone is in there let me in?"

I laugh and open the door but hide behind it. I hear her footsteps and then tackle her in a hug. "Aah!" She yells breaking free from me but then realizes it's just me. "Stefania! What's going on?" She asks putting her arms around me.

"This is all ours for the next couple days. I wanted to do something special for you." I say shy waiting for her reaction.

A smile breaks on her face, "You're so cute." She said kissing me. God I've missed her taste. She taste like vanilla but with cherry. I lick my lips memorizing it.

"I was thinking before we do anything we should go grocery shopping?" I asks rubbing my hands up and down her shoulders.

"I think that's a great idea." She says kissing me one more time.

We get bread, lunch meat, cereal, water, and things like that. We're only here for a couple days and we'll probably eat dinner at the restaurant anyways.

When we get back, it's already almost dark out so I declare that we should watch the sunset.

"Isn't it beautiful?" She asks looking out.

"Yeah, it sure is." I say then look at her taking in the real view.

I take a deep breath knowing that this is the perfect time. "Danielle." I say with a shaky breath catching her attention.

She looks at me then immediately takes my hands in hers. "What's wrong?" She ask rubbing circles on my hands.

"I-I, um, we've been friends for so long now..." As I say that she frowns, "And in that time I knew I had feelings for you and they hit me like a train...I-I" I take a deep breath. "I'm in love with you. And you said something earlier on the phone, but I don't know if you—" Her lips shut mine up making me smile in the kiss.

"I love you Stefania Spampinato." She says smiling so hard her vein pops out on her forehead. I know she's happy because her vein popped out. That's how I know she means what she's saying.

"And I love you Danielle Savre." I say bringing her hand to my lips kissing every knuckle.

"Shit, we didn't eat dinner yet." I say jumping up. Danielle laughs at me. "What?" I pout. "You make me forget things when I'm near you."

"Oh so this is my fault?" She smirks standing up and walking inside making me follow.

She gets her shoes and jacket on, "What are you doing?" I ask.

"Aren't we going to go eat?" She asks like it's obvious.

"As much as i'd like to cuddle up in bed we need to eat." She says grabbing my hand dragging me out the door.

We end up walking to the restaurant since it's only a few blocks down. "I wish we had Jeff with us right now." Danielle says as we hold hands about to enter the parking lot.

"I know, I just thought it'd be nice to just be us." I say.

Dinner went by quickly surprisingly. Danielle and I talked about station 19 and how Maya and Carina's relationship is growing as they're now married.

When we get back we both get ready for bed. As I lay in bed waiting for Danielle to come in from her shower I realize I didn't ask Danielle to be my girlfriend. Fuck.

Happy Thanksgiving!🍁🦃
I'll probably make a Thanksgiving chapter in a few updates don't worry;)

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