Chapter 13

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Danielle's POV

I wake up to kisses all over my face and I instantly smile. I hesitantly open my eyes to see Stefania towering over me. I wipe her hair out of her eyes and lean into give her a good morning kiss. "Good morning baby." I say on her lips and kiss her one more time.

"Good morning Bella." She says kissing my lips down to my jaw.

"I could get used to this." I mumble with a smile.

"I ordered room service, it should be here in about—" Just as she says that the door bell cuts her off, "now." She says then gets up in a hurry and runs downstairs.

Just as I get out of bed to go downstairs she yells, "Stay put! We're having breakfast in bed!" I crawl back into bed shaking my head with a smile.

Stefania is actually the most sweetest person ever and this whole trip doesn't even do justice. God I love this woman so much.

"Okay so I didn't know what you wanted, so I ordered a little bit of everything." She says setting the huge plate of foods down on the bed.

See what I mean. Perfect.

"So what should we do today?" Stefania asks as we've eaten now.

I grab the pamphlet I grabbed yesterday at the restaurant and read through it. I know Stefania doesn't like the cold so I need to find something that we'd both enjoy. "There's this ride thing where you're in a box thing and you're above all the mountains and you can enjoy the view? It has a heater inside so we don't have to be cold." As much as I'd like to go tubing or something I don't want to make Stefania do something that she's not comfortable with.

"That's a great idea, how about we go tubing tomorrow?" She says grabbing my hands and pulling me up to her. It's like she read my mind.

"Stefania you hate the cold." I say.

"Yeah but it looks fun... plus I know you, and I know how much it's killing you inside to do it." She says kissing my forehead going to her suitcase.

I smile at the fact that she's going outside of her comfort zone for me.

I go to my suitcase and put on an outfit that will keep me warm, I feel Stefania's eyes on me the whole time but when I turn around she acts like she wasn't.

We get in her car and she drives to the place where we get on. When we get there we stay in the car for awhile to stay warm then finally get out. "Hello, view tour for two?" The guy at the desk asks looking at both of us but his eyes linger on Stefania. We nod. "Check for one or separate?"

"What does it look like?" I say bringing our intertwined hands up and kissing hers.

He rolls his eyes and hands us our tickets. "For future reference, don't roll your eyes at my girlfriend ever again." Stefania says dragging me away to the line to get on the ride.

"So I'm your girlfriend now huh?" I smirk even though I'm internally screaming inside.

She starts mumbling to herself, "Well I- last night I wanted to ask you but I forgot and then—"

"Yes." I cut her off. "I'll be your girlfriend." I cut her off and smash our lips together.

We must have kissed forever because I know there were at least three couples in front of us and now we're being pushed on the ride.

The ride consists of a guide person on here who explains where and what things are below us. The box ride were in is see through so we can see everything. When the lady is done telling us about everything she goes in a corner to give us privacy.

Stefania wraps her arms from behind me, "It's so beautiful."

"You are." I say turning around in her arms tracing her jawline admiring her. 

She kisses me and it starts getting heated and I moan. I look over at the lady and see her acting like there's something interesting on her phone. "I need you." I say breathlessly on her lips.

Y'all finally get your spicy chapter next chapter😏

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