Chapter 18

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Stefania's POV

"So Danielle told me you're going to Italy in a couple days..." Jaina tells me raising an eyebrow as if she's... mad at me?

Jaina and I have multiple scenes with just us so we're the only ones on set. I texted Danielle earlier to ask if I can come over but she hasn't replied yet.

"Yeah... I haven't seen my family in a while since everything has been so hectic lately and I miss them." I say looking down thinking about them.

It's been so long since I saw them and my nieces especially. Sometimes I feel guilty because I moved away. I knew the consequences I would have when leaving to pursue my dreams but I'm constantly thinking about what life would be like if I didn't and were at home right now.

"That's good... I'm happy for you." She says smiling.

"That's what Danielle said too." I smile thinking about her.

"That's not what she told me." Jaina says to herself with a confused expression.

"What do you mean that's not what she told you?" I ask more confused. "What did she tell you?"

"Stef, she wants to go with you." She says to me like it's obvious.

She wants to go with me? We've never talked about this. Why didn't she say anything?

"Is that everything she said?" I ask hesitant.

"She was a little hurt by the fact you told her a week before you left. She also talked about something along the lines of you being scared to tell your family about her therefore never letting her come with you to Italy. She talked about loving how excited you get talking about Italy and that all she wants is for you to want her to go with you so you can show her everywhere you're passionate about there." She says then takes a deep breath. "She's so in love with you, Stefania. Like this is a completely different Danielle and it's because of you. Who knows what she would turn into if you broke her heart or something."

The whole day that conversation kept replaying in my head. All the way until I left work. I kept thinking about whether or not to invite her to come with me. She wants to meet my family... I guess I could take her with me when I visit my mom's grave if she's serious about this. My dads not the most open minded and the last time we talked was when we argued about my bisexual role on Greys Anatomy.

I stop by the local flower shop near Danielle's house as usual. I always pick her up roses most of the time just because I think it's romantic and if she's ever in a bad mood with me it makes up for it.

When I get to Danielle's house I grab the flowers and knock on her door. Danielle swings open the door. "Hi Bambina." I say handing her the flowers.

"These are beautiful." She says with a smile that doesn't quite reach her eyes.

"You always say that." I say inviting myself in as she lays them on her counter.

"And I mean it everytime too." She says and she gets on her tiptoes and leans in to kiss me.

I kiss her back then pull away, "I have something to talk to you about." I say then kiss her on the cheek.

She furrows her eyebrows together and leads me to the couch where she sits. "Baby, it's not bad. You don't have to sit on the other side of the couch." I say laughing. "Come here." I say leaning back on the arm rest with my legs laying out. Once Danielle is in between my legs I play with her hair subconsciously.

"So I've been thinking... well for most of the day today at least. I want you to come with me... to Italy." I say.

"Really?" She asks slightly turning in my arms to look at me. I can see the excited expression on her face. How could I have possibly missed the opportunity to make her this happy?

"Of course I'm serious. The only reason I didn't suggest it the day I told you was because my dad and I don't have the best relationship at the moment and he doesn't even know I have a girlfriend therefore even into women at all." I say talking fast.

"Stef, it's okay, really." Danielle says rubbing her thumb across my arms that are wrapped around her. "You don't have to introduce me as your girlfriend." She says.

"I don't know if he watches Station 19, but if he does he'll recognize you and immediately think we're together." I say.

"I'll act like I have a boyfriend." Danielle says. She must have noticed my face change because I didn't. "I know you may not like the idea, but it may the best idea for our situation." She says.

I exhale a breath I didn't know I was holding and look at her and can't help but break a little smile out. "Okay."

"Okay?" She asks, her smile getting bigger and bigger.

I nod and lean into kiss her. The kiss gets heavier and heavier and since my legs are already spread due to her being between them, she pushes her knee between them against my core making me let a small moan in her mouth.

"I'm so excited." Danielle says pulling away taking some of my saliva with her.

"Is that the only thing thing you're excited for?" I say out of breath and trace her leg up and down.

Her cheeks turn slightly red as she stands up and pulls me up with her, "No... I'm also excited to make love to my sexy girlfriend." She says pulling us to her room.

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