Chapter 20

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Stefania's POV

"Baby... wake up." I say softly to Danielle. I start kissing her neck up to her face.

Danielle moans as she stretches, "I'm up." She says but her eyes stay closed.

"Did you forget Bambina?" I ask smirking watching her eyes snap open.

"We're going to Italy!" She says in her tired, raspy voice.

She sits up and I smile as I watch her sit up, getting out of the bed, and already heading to the bathroom.

I laugh quietly to myself at her and put comfortable clothes on for the airport. We're gonna be in the air for 12 whole hours and knowing me I'm always moving my body in some way so we'll see how well I sit through this flight.

The day after I stayed at Danielle's helping her pack we brought her stuff to my house so it would be easier to get out of the house and go.

We have nothing to do besides get clothes on and brush our teeth because we already put our bags in the car last night.

We get McDonald's for breakfast on the way to the airport. The plane ride wasn't that bad because Danielle and I are both used to flying in our lives since we do have to do it quite often sometimes.

When we get off, I search for my sister that should be picking us up from the airport. A few seconds go by and I feel a hand on my shoulder but Danielle is beside me. I look behind me and see my sister. Excitement rushes through my body as I hug her, squeezing hard.

"I missed you so much." She says sighing into my shoulder.

She lets go and turns to Danielle. "I'm Daniela, you play Maya, Carina's wife right?"

Danielle looks at me and smiles, "Yes! I'm Danielle." She says.

"Our names are really similar, that's weird." Daniela says looking at me laughing.

"My sister's name is Stephanie, which is also really similar to Stefania, we laugh about it sometimes." She says looking at me then grabbing her suitcase.

"Well it's really nice to meet you." Daniela says hugging Danielle.

We grab our suitcases and go to my sisters car and get in. On the drive I get nervous to see my family since it's been sort of a rough relationship with them lately.

I look over and see that Daniella is in her own world, eyes glued to the road. I secretly move my hand between the door and my seat behind my seat, reaching for Danielle's hand. I wave my hand quietly back and forth waiting for her to see it. I soon feel soft fingers brush against it holding it. 

A smile creeps up on my face without me realizing it. I want to come out to my sister sometime while I'm visiting. Not necessarily come out because I'm not labeled, but I just want her to know that Danielle is the absolute love of my life and I'm so irrevocably in love with her.

I still wonder what my mom would think of me right now if she were here. She's always been more open minded and understanding then my dad and that's why I knew I could always go to her for anything. When I got my first role as an actress, I remember calling her immediately crying, and she even cried with me. Every time I get a new role, I immediately think of her. I wish I could call her and just tell her about my life but I can't.

I'm not even much of a religious person, but I just hope that wherever she is, she's happy and watching me still.

"We're here." Daniela nudges me. I look outside the car window and see the house I grew up in.

I step out and open the door for Danielle. She gets up and gives me a smile that I almost couldn't see since her hair was mostly in the way. We get our suitcases out and go to the door. "I can already tell you're stressed sis, he's not here right now. But he will be later so be prepared." Daniela says unlocking the door.

I nod and Danielle and I go up to my old room upstairs that is now used as a guest room I believe. When we step foot inside, I quickly set my suitcase down on the floor on one side of the bed while Danielle does the same. I lock my door and basically tackle Danielle.

"God, I've missed touching you." I say with my arms around her waist tightly, giving kisses along her neck and below her ear.

Danielle lets out a breathy sigh, "Don't even try to have sex under the same roof as your sister and father." She says lightly slapping my shoulder, pulling apart from me. She kisses my lips a couple time. Just a few pecks, disappointingly. I get why she didn't fully kiss me though. Usually our kisses 98% of the time turn to something more.

She unlocks the door and opens it and we go downstairs to my sister who is now in the kitchen making dinner.

"Are you picky or allergic to anything Danielle?" Daniela says over her shoulder, not looking up from her dish.

"Nope, Stefania has actually made me a couple Italian dishes before though." Danielle says standing next to me. I brush my arm against hers on purpose to feel some kind of closeness.

It's weird being this close to her yet having to watch my every move to make sure I don't end up grabbing her waist or something. We've never had to be this secret in our own homes.

"Oh really?" Daniela asks turning to face us. She slightly raises her eyebrow as she asks, "So Stefania just comes over and makes you dinner?"

"W-well we're r-really close and stuff so yeah she has..." Danielle answers back nervously. Daniela nods and goes back to cooking.

Danielle and I make the table and then Daniela puts food on our plates. We sit and talk as we eat dinner. We talk about how things have been at home, Danielle and I's job, etc.

As we're in conversation, we hear the door open and close. Once I hear footsteps come in the dining room, I turn around and see him. "Dad" I breathe out shakily.

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