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It was another average day in your average life. You were walking down the street when you saw a weird-acting,  brown-haired male. He wore a concerned and desperate expression on his face, while he was hectically waving his hands before other people's faces. The people around him didn't seem to mind at all. In fact, they weren't even looking at him, as if he wasn't there.

You realized that you were staring at him, when he locked his eyes with yours. His demeanor changed and he looked at you with surprise. You immediately looked away and started to walk again. You didn't even notice that you had stopped walking to watch the weird male in front of you.

You heard the male in front of you mumbling
"Did she just...? Could it be...!?"

Once you picked up on his words, you looked up at him again. You were starting to feel anxious and started to walk faster. Just when you had passed him, he grabbed your wrist and called out to you.

You immediately turned around with wide eyes. His surprised expression equalled yours. His eyes moved away from yours and he looked at your wrist that he was still holding. You abruptly pulled your arm away from him.
"What the hell do you think you're doing!?"

In response he just looked at you shocked, as if you were a talking ghost. You were about to walk off when you noticed that other people around you were looking at you two weirdly. You had to correct yourself, because apparently, they were only looking at you alone, as if the weirdo in front of you wasn't even there.
"Is everything alright?"

An old women was looking at you with concern. You were extremely confused and looked at the werido in front of you, who was staring back at you with confusion as well. You looked back to the women and replied with a simple yes. The women broke her stare and gave a little nod. She was starting to walk toward the brown-haired guy next to you and she got really close to him. Strangely, she didn't slow down when she was getting really close and it almost kinda looked like she could see right through him. Not in a metaphorical way, but in a literal way.

The next thing that happened stunned you so much, that, for a second, you thought that you might as well just be dreaming. The old women just walked through the weirdo, as if he was thin air. Your eyes widened and you unintentionally took a step back.

The weirdo however, was just staring at you, ignoring the old lady that was walking through him. Even though you didn't ask him what was going on verbally, your expression told him what you wanted to ask.
"Don't look at me like that! I don't know it myself, okay?"

Still not being able to process what just had happened, you could only continue to look at him in a shocked manner.
"Look, I know this is really crazy and all, but could you stop looking at me like that?"

You didn't know what to say, nor did you know what to do. Were you going insane?
"Alright, maybe we can start by introducing ourselves."
He looked unsure and nervous himself.
"My name is Tooru Oikawa."

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