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Oikawa suggested to hang out together after school. He promised to help you with your homework too, so you gladly accepted his offer. Of course, you would help him with his English homework too. However, when school had ended, Oikawa got a message from his sister.
Apparently, his sister asked him to watch over her son.

"You have a nephew? You're an uncle? You never told me."
"What are you talking about, of course I did. Didn't I?"
"You did? When?"

Oikawa kept forgetting that you had lost a part of your memories.
"Or maybe I forgot to tell you?"
"It's possible that I forgot about it too. Or maybe I zoned out while you told me."

You scratched the back of your head in embarrassment. You often zoned out without even realizing and you hated it. Especially when someone was talking about something important.

Oikawa shook his head.
"No, you're right. Now that I think of it, I don't remember telling you about it. I guess I told someone else, so don't worry. Anyways, my nephew's name is Takeru and he likes playing volleyball too. I sometimes have to look after him."

"I see. We can hang out another time then. But don't worry, I'll still help you with your English homework."

Oikawa's facial expression told you that he didn't like your idea.
"That's not necessary. We can still hang out. That is, of course, if you want to. Takeru is a good boy. Most of the time."

The last sentence came out as a quiet mumble, but you still managed to hear it, which made you let out a small laugh.

"Would Takeru mind it though? Maybe he wants to spend some time alone with his uncle?"

Oikawa shook his head.
"No, don't worry about that. I'm pretty sure that he will like you and that you two will get along really well."

You agreed to his offer and you both made your way to pick up Takeru from school.

While you both waited for him outside of his school, a child who you assumed to be Takeru, made his way to Oikawa.
After they greeted each other, Takeru looked over at you.

As soon as he saw you, his eyes widened and he pointed his finger at you.
"You're the nice lady that uncle Toru always talks about! His photo gallery is full with pictures of you!"

Oikawa started to blush immediately and put a hand on his nephew's mouth to stop him from continuing.

You were taken by surprise. Nice lady? You? People normally referred to you as cold and emotionless when they first met you, because you didn't really know how to act around strangers. Thus, you would often come off as cold when in reality, you just had a hard time opening up to others.

Even though you were a little surprised that Oikawa had told Takeru about you, you didn't think it was anything special.

Oikawa cleared his voice and released his hand from Takeru's mouth.
"Takeru, this is (y/n)-chan. (Y/n)-chan, this is Takeru."

Takeru didn't take his eyes off of you.
"Nice to meet you (y/n)-san!"
"It's nice to meet you too, Takeru. You can just call me (y/n). I hope you don't mind that I will be tagging along with you guys."

Takeru shook his head.
"No, not at all! I'm looking forward to spending some time with you (y/n)!"

Oikawa was right. Takeru was such a sweet and nice kid.

"Okay people, let's get going then."
Oikawa took Takeru's bag and started walking.

Oikawa and you were conversing and Takeru would sometimes join the conversation too.
"(Y/n), are you uncle Toru's girlfriend?

Oikawa facepalmed in his head. However, he was wondering how you would react to that question.

Confusion was the only thing that he could read from your expression.
"I'm sorry, could you repeat that? I think I misunderstood you."

"I asked whether you were uncle Toru's girlfriend."

You were still confused.
"Oh, Uhm, no. Why do you ask?"
"Because eversince uncle Toru started talking about you, he never talked about any other girls. He didn't mention anything about a new girlfriend either."

You looked back at Oikawa.
"What is it with you and having a past with multiple girlfriends? You almost sound like a jerk."

Oikawa sweatdropped and laughed nervously.
"Don't listen to him. He's just kidding. Right Takeru?"
"Uhmm, no."

You stopped listening to Oikawa's and Takeru's bickering as your attention was drawn to a small stand that was selling ice cream. Soon, Oikawa realized where you were looking at. Before you could buy some ice cream yourself, a woman asked you for directions. In the meantime, Oikawa had already bought you your favorite flavor of ice cream. Takeru seemed to be content with his treat too.

"You didn't have to. I was just about to get some myself."
"Don't mention it, (y/n)-chan. It was an honor for me to serve you."
Oikawa put his hand dramatically onto his chest.

You raised your brows and couldn't contain a smile.
"I guess I just have to buy you some milkbread the next time then."
"I guess I wouldn't mind that."

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