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You got really nervous when you arrived at the front door of your house, because your parents were really strict. Even if your parents couldn't see Oikawa, what if your drama-loving neighbours could see him? They would ask your parents who that guy was that followed you around. Your neighbours were nice sometimes, but they still got on your nerves, because they just didn't know how to mind their own business.

Oikawa noticed your stiff posture.
"Don't worry about it. If they notice me, I will make up an excuse and leave."

You snapped out of your thoughts and turned your attention to Oikawa.
"It's not as simple as you think. My parents are very strict."
"It will be fine, don't worry. I met a lot of people before I met you and none of them were able to see me. The chances that your parents can see me is very low."

Not satisfied with his answer, you rang the bell to your house. Your heart was beating fast and you almost felt nauseous from anxiety. Your younger brother opened the door, while he was posing like Dio from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.
"Hooo. So you finally came home!"

He didn't seem to notice Oikawa, which calmed you down a little bit. Oikawa on the other hand was looking between you and your brother with a disturbed expression. You laughed at your brother's welcoming. Your voice was higher and more cheerful than before, which was another thing that surprised Oikawa.
"I'm home! What are we going to eat today? I'm starving!"
"Sorry, but we already ate, because you came later today. Mom and Dad were really pissed about that. They even called you multiple times and they got angrier by every call that you didn't answer."

Oh. You totally forgot about the time and you forgot to check your phone. You were used to these situations so you knew exactly what to do. Without your brother noticing, you waved your hand to Oikawa, signaling him to come in too.  You entered the living room, where your parents' angry eyes were only focusing on you. Good. They can't see Oikawa either. Your facial expression had changed completly. Your face lit up and equalled the cheerfulness of your voice.
"Hey Mom! Hey Dad! I am sorry that I forgot to tell you that I will be coming later today. The teacher wanted me to help clean up. After I finished, he asked me to help him get some stuff to the teacher's room. Aaand before you yell at me, I forgot to turn on my phone, so I didn't see you call. I'm really sorry!"

While you told your made up story, you dramatically and excessively made hand gestures and adapted your facial expression to the situation. Oikawa stood there dumbfounded, not being able to process what was happening. It was as if you were another person. But whatever you did, it seemed to work, because your parents facial expressions softened.
"Alright, alright. We got it. Don't forget it next time though. I always want to be able to reach you when I call you. I made (f/f). Go eat it before it gets cold, you airhead.

Ignoring the usual minor insults, your expression got even more cheerful.
"You made (f/f)?! Thaaank youu! You're the best!"

You ran up to your mother and crushed her under your bear hug. Your mother was struggling to free herself from your hug.
"You're welcome, now let me go!"
"Yeah, you should eat. You must be hungry."

Your father didn't really speak much, unless he was complaining. Because if that was the case, he didn't know how to stop talking. You saluted and responded with "understood!". With that, you went to the kitchen and closed the door. As soon as you closed the door, your expression went back to normal. When you turned to Oikawa, he was looking at you as if he was looking at an alien.
You whispered, in order to avoid anyone from hearing you.


You wanted to give Oikawa a plate of your favorite food too, but..
"What if someone sees the food on your plate vanishing into nothing bit by bit, when you eat your food. Or what if they see your cutlery fly around?"
"Don't worry about it. People can't see the things I touch. Though, people were able to see you when I touched you. I guess it only works on objects and plants."
"That makes things easier I guess."

Suddenly the door burst open and your brother came in.
"Who the hell are you talking to?"

Recovering from the tiny heart attack your brother gave you, you put on a wide smile on your face.
"To myself!? You act as if I have never done that before!"
"And then you get upset when I tell you that you're crazy."
"Hey! That wasn't nice! You just broke my poor heart into tiny pieces!"

Dramatically, you clutched your heart with one hand, while your other hand was resting on the table, supporting your body that was slightly bend forward. Your brother just laughed at your stupid act.
"You're a weirdo!"

With that he closed the door and finally left you alone with Oikawa. As soon as the door closed, Oikawa noticed how your face turned stoic once again.
"Wow. You're a really good actress..."

That seemed to catch you off guard, as your eyes slightly widened. You decided to ignore his comment.
"Is this enough for you, or do you want me to add more to your plate?"
"That's enough, thank you!"

You both sat down and started to eat your food. Oikawa seemed to enjoy his food just as much as you did. He probably was really hungry.
"This is so good!"

The words coming from his mouth were  incomprehensible, as he was still swallowing his food down. You chuckled lightly at his behavior.
"You're going to suffocate if you don't slow down. And then I wouldn't even be able to call an ambulance."
"I was too freaked out by what has happened to realize how hungry I actually am."

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