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After a while, the others came out of the water too. You guys were eating some snacks that you had brought with you. After you finished eating, Oikawa suggested to play beach volleyball. Everyone agreed and already stood up.
"(y/n)-chan, are you coming?"
"I don't know how to play. I would only be a hinderance, so you guys go. It's fine I feel a little tired anyways."

Oikawa was curious whether your volleyball skills were on zero, just like when he had first met and taught you, or if you actually kept the level of skill you had attained while training with him.
"Come on, (y/n)-chan! I think you're better than you think! Besides, we can teach you."

You didn't look convinced and glanced at the others to see their reaction.
Iwaizumi nodded. "Yeah, it's just for fun. No need to worry."

Hanamaki was holding a thumps up and Matsukawa nodded in agreement. Oikawa stretched his hand out for you to take. On the volleyball field, Oikawa explained you some basic rules, not wanting to confuse you with too much information. You seemed to understand the rules quicker than you thought. Almost as if someone had explained it to you a long time ago.

While playing, Oikawa kept watching you carefully. You were able to receive many balls and your reflexes weren't bad at all, which surprised you. Oikawa on the other hand had a visible smile on his face, knowing that you somehow remembered what he had taught you.
"Not bad (y/n)-chan! I told you to believe in your abilities!"

In response you smiled back at him, excited and happy that you were actually able to play. You had no idea that playing volleyball could be so much fun.
After a few rounds, you decided to take a break. Oikawa went to get some drinks for you guys and you watched him leave. Other girls started to approach him and you couldn't tell what they wanted. You didn't know why, but you got a little angry at the girls. It was probably due to them trying to make your life harder. It angered you that they judged people only by their appearance and that they were able to do cruel things without a real reason.

Iwaizumi noticed the look on your face. "Don't worry. He probably doesn't care about what they want."
You turned to look at Iwaizumi. "Huh?"
"To be completely honest with you, he used to love the attention that girls gave him. However, that changed the moment he met you. He doesn't care what other girls think about him anymore. Now he only cares about what you think of him."

Hearing that made you feel something that was hard to describe. It was a warm feeling. Something that made you happy, because someone appreciated you and cared for you. Your opinion and feelings were valued. Normally, you had to create a whole new personality to be tolerated by others, but now, you could be yourself and there were people around you that appreciated you for who you were.
"Really? But he seems to care about you guys too. He always acts confident and cheerful, when sometimes he doesn't feel that way. He is always there to cheer others up, but at the same time he doesn't allow others to see his insecurities and worries."
You realized how much he actually resembles you.

Iwaizumi nodded. "Yeah, that idiot tends to overburden himself because he has very high expectations for himself. But then again, ever since you're here, his smiles have become more genuine and he actually thinks of something else than volleyball."

Iwaizumi's words confused you. Why? Why would you make him feel that way? It's not like you did anything special for him. You were... just there.  He was the one who treated you extra kindly and helped you out of everything, not the other way around.

Something cold on your neck made you stop thinking.
"What are you guys talking about?"
Oikawa was standing behind you with a couple of could drinks. He was pressing one of the cold cans against your neck and smiled innocently.
You took the can out of his hand. "We were talking about how you were shamelessly flirting with those girls."
"What!? No! You totally got it wrong, (y/n)-chan! They asked me to hang out with them but I immediately rejected them! I swear, I-"

You chuckled at his cute attempt to justify himself.
"Calm down. I was just kidding. And thank you for the drink."

Oikawa pouted, even though he was relieved that you were joking.
When you opened your can of cola, it splashed forcefully onto your face. In response, Oikawa laughed you out.
"You did this on purpose, didn't you!?"

Oikawa innocently put a hand on his chest. "Who? Me!? I would never! But it is possible that I accidentally shook your drink before handing it to you."

"Why didn't you shake Iwa's drink!? Why did it have to be mine!?"

Iwaizumi, who was minding his own business and drinking his drink, turned around to look at you offendedly.
"Hey! Why me!?"
"I don't know, he usually does these kind of things to you. Why am I suddenly the victim?"
"Well, now you at least know how it feels like and maybe next time you won't laugh me out anymore!" Iwaizumi was enjoying the sight.

"Come now, (y/n)-chan. No need to get angry." Oikawa took a handkerchief and poured a little water on it.
"Here, let me help you."
He wiped the sweet and sticky liquid off your face. While doing so, he was examining your face and neck, to see whether he had forgotten a spot. However, his eyes sometimes lingered a little longer than it was necessary.

"As a punishment I will eat your milk bread" You took some of Oikawa's milk bread out and ate it. He did the same and you enjoyed the rest of the day.

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