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"(y/n)-chaannn, what's taking you so long? You've been changing clothes for 15 minutes now!"
Oikawa was waiting outside of your room, because you were trying to fit in the clothes that your mother had bought for you. Your friend's mom told your mom about her daughter's birthday party and she told her that you were invited too. Your friend actually invited you herself too, but by the way she talked and acted, you could tell that she didn't really care whether you came or not. She may even didn't want you to come at all. The only reason she invited you was probably that she didn't want to make the relationship between you two awkward. And by that, you mean that she still needed you when it came school stuff. Even though you weren't talking much, most of the time, you would sit with her in your usual group of friends.
When she invited you, you told her that you would come, but you had planned on cancelling last minute by telling her that you had stomach or something else. But because your mother had heard about the invitation, she would never let you do so.
"It's the perfect opportunity for you to socialise! You always go out by yourself like a psychopath!"
That's what she had said to you and with that, you had no other choice but to do as she said. You weren't actually going out by yourself, as your mother thought. You would go out with Oikawa, but your mother couldn't possibly know, which was a good thing, as she would never allow you to go out with a boy. It is a shame though, because Oikawa is the nicest person you have ever met and he is the only person you actually want to spend time with.

The control freak your mother was, she picked out an outfit for you to wear, regardless of what you thought of it and whether you wanted to wear it or not. It was a skirt that went under your knees and a blouse. Right now, you were desperately trying to zip up the back part of your blouse. Unfortunately, your mother wasn't home and you were certain that you would accidentally rip something off if you tried any further.

Drastic measures require drastic actions. You had no other choice, but to ask someone for help.
You swung the door open and Oikawa noticed your messy hair and that you were out of breath. He also noticed that you were blushing a little with an annoyed and angry expression. Your hands were clutching your blouse from above your chest, so that it wouldn't slip down. After Oikawa finished processing what was going on, he started blushing heavily himself and he went stiff. Without any warning, you turned around. Embaressement and annoyance could be heard out of your voice.
" Can you help me zip up my blouse? It gets stuck every time I try."

You were patiently waiting for Oikawa's response. Did you say something wrong? Was it inappropriate to ask him? Those thoughts made you blush further.

Oikawa cleared his throat and tried to act as composed and normal as always. he slowly brought his hands up to the zipper. One of his hands was holding the fabric of your blouse, to make sure that the zipper wouldn't get caught in it. his other hand slowly moved the zipper upwards. However, the zipper got stuck because of the inside fabric. Oikawa hesitated for a moment and he started to feel even warmer. Slapping himself on the inside, he continued and tried to free the zipper from the fabric. He accidentelly touched your warm back and he didn't know if he should apologize. No, that would probably make you feel more uncomfortable, so it would be better to just act like nothing happened.
Why was he acting like this!? Pull yourself together, Oikawa!

"Ok, I'm done". He let out a breath that he didn't know he was holding.
You turned around with a small smile and a light blush. "Thanks, I probably would have ripped it into pieces if you wouldn't have helped me."
Oikawa's heart wouldn't stop pounding and if he didn't know any better, he would say that it was getting worse. However, he could't allow you to see it. "You're very welcome, (y/n)-chan." he came closer to your face and smiled smugly.
You somehow got a little used to Oikawa invading your personal space and him giving you that dumb smug look, so it didn't affect you as much as it used to. As usual you flicked his forehead to create some space between the two of you and as usual you heard Oikawa whine about how mean you were.
"I have to do my hair and makeup. You can watch TV in the living room until I'm finished."
Oikawa groaned and did as you suggested. Normally, he wouldn't have to wait long for you to get ready. But since it's a more special occasion this time, you probably only did what was neccassary to not attract attention.

When you were finished, you walked into the living room and told Oikawa that you were done. Oikawa, however, didn't say anything in return, as he was too busy admiring you.
You couldn't help but get a little insecure. " What? Does it look weird? I can go and change or I could-"
Oikawa got up from the couch and and looked softly into your eyes. His tone was soft and sincere. "You look absolutely beautiful. As always."
His reply made you blush and you broke eye contact. Luckily, your mother just came in and asked you to come see her. You greeted her and she checked your outfit. She then aggressively grabbed your sleeve and adjusted it. "How many times do I have to tell to roll them up like this!"
You made sure not to sigh in front of your mother. "But I don't like it that way."
"It looks a lot better like this! Don't you have any sense of fashion?"
"If you say so... I have to go now or else I'll be late. Bye Mom!"

When Oikawa and you both were out of the house, Oikawa pointed at your sleeves. "I like them the way you had them before."
His comment made you smile. You raised your eyebrows and gave him an arrogant look in a mocking way. "Your sense of fashion must be trash too then."
Oikawa chuckled at your little act and you both continued to walk to your friends birthdayparty.

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