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The next morning came and again, you found Oikawa standing in front of your door. He greeted you cheerfully and you started to walk to school. On the way, Oikawa asked whether it was alright to stop by the bakery. He said that he wanted to buy some milk bread and asked whether you wanted something too. You declined and waited for him outside of the bakery.
When Oikawa came back he smiled and came closer to you to give you a small bag.
"Here. This is for you."

You hesitated for a moment and took the bag out of his hands.
"What's this?"

"It's milk bread. I know you like-... I mean I thought that you may like it too."
He saved it the last moment. Of course he wasn't supposed to know what you liked and what not. The last thing he wanted you to think was that he was a stalker or something.

"But I didn't say I want any. That sounded rude... I'm really grateful, but you shouldn't make such efforts for me. Let me give you the money back."
"Nope, I'm not going to take it. Consider it a gift or see it as a purpose to celebrate that you became manager of the volleyball team."
"Alright then. Thank you. I guess I owe you."

Oikawa smiled again. That was typical for you. You weren't used to people being nice to you, so whenever someone did something for you, you would try to repay that person in another way. Saying 'Thank you' wasn't enough for you.
"Well, if you insist, (y/n)-chan, I can't say no to that offer."

On the way, you saw Iwaizumi walking by himself. You pointed into his direction and asked Oikawa if it wasn't Iwaizumi. Oikawa called his name and he turned around and waited for you guys to catch up. As soon as you reached him, he greeted you and looked at Oikawa as if he was expecting him to confess something. You didn't notice as you were too busy eating the milk bread that Oikawa had bought you.

After class, the teacher asked for you to come out as he wanted to discuss something with you. Iwaizumi used this opportunity to interrogate his friend.
"You're in love with (y/n), aren't you?"

Wow. That was typical for Iwaizumi. He didn't talk around stuff and he didn't use filters when speaking. Nevertheless, it took Oikawa by surprise and he choked on the water that he was drinking. He knew that you were outside but he still looked into the direction of the door to make sure you didn't hear it.
He laughed nervously and scratched the back of his head.
"W-what makes you think that?"

Instead of answering, Iwaizumi looked at Oikawa with a look that asked him if he was serious.
"Okay, okay. I got it! It is possible that I MAY have feelings for (y/n)."
Oikawa was blushing and he refused to look at Iwaizumi. He was sulking and waiting for Iwaizumi to say something.

Iwazumi didn't look convinced and his words were filled with sarcasm.
"Oh, really? I would never have guessed."

Oikawa was still looking away, feeling embarrassed.

"I have to say, I am surprised that you actually fell in love. Especially with someone who you just have met. So my question is, why and how?"

Upon thinking of an answer to that question, Oikawa smiled genuinely.
"She is selfless and ready to do anything for the ones she loves. She is always kind and she never expects anything in return. But deep down, she just wants to be accepted the way she is. She is also very caring and tries to help out others as much as she can."
Oikawa was about to continue, until he realized that he had said too much already.

Iwaizumi's eyebrows were raised. "And how do you know so much about her? Are you stalking her something?"
When saying the last part, Iwaizumi was looking at Oikawa in disgust.

"What!? No! I'm not stalking her, I just..."

Oikawa didn't continue speaking when he heard the chair next to him move. He froze and looked at Iwaizumi's face to see his reaction. He seemed just as surprised as him.
He forgot that you were really good at sneaking up behind people. Though, you didn't do it intentionally. You would always say that you 'just walked totally normal' and that you didn't want to scare anyone.

Seeing the surprised looks on their faces, you decided to ask whether you interrupted something.
Oikawa let out a breath in relief and reassured you that you didn't interrupted anything and Iwaizumi agreed. You probably didn't hear anything they had said.

To redirect the conversation, Oikawa asked you what the teacher had said you.

"He said that I should ask other students for notes in every subject. After all, I didn't come to this class when it had just begun. Everyone's a little ahead of me and he said that I need to inform myself about the topics that have already been taught."

Iwaizumi spoke first. "Yes, I guess that makes sense. But I don't think that should be a problem for you (y/n). You seem to be really smart and good at school."

You appreciated his effort to compliment you, but just because you were excelling in one subject, it didn't mean you were just as good in other subjects.
"I'm sorry to disappoint you, Iwaizumi, but I'm not as good in other subjects as I am in English."

Oikawa knew it too. He remembered how he tried to explain math homework to you and how you would get frustrated when you didn't understand it.
"That's okay. I can show you all my notes and I can explain the things that you don't understand!"
"Really? That would be absolutely great! But are you sure? We still have the group project we have to finish and you might be busy with volleyball practice and..."

Oikawa interrupted you by leaning closer to your face to get your attention.
"It's fine. I have all the time of the world for you."

Seeing Oikawa with a soft expression and smile made you feel all warm inside.
"Thank you, Oikawa. I guess I owe you again."

You couldn't help but smile yourself.

"Are you done flirting with each other? We need to get to our next class."
Iwaizumi interrupted the moment between you two and you both started to blush and yell at Iwaizumi simultaneously.
"We're not flirting!"
"Yeah, sure..."
Iwaizumi didn't look convinced and started to walk ahead of you two.
Oikawa and you followed him quickly.

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