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Without saying anything, you turned around and walked away with a disturbed expression, as if nothing had happened. You could hear the weird guy who had introduced himself as Oikawa let out a sound of surprise.
"Eh.. Where are you going!?" Hey! Don't ignore me!"

You started to walk faster, but Oikawa was walking next to you while he was facing you. You just ignored his complaints and continued walking.

Oikawa was starting to get desperate. All of a sudden, he was somewhere he never has been to before. Nothing about the people and this place seemed familiar. And on top of that, nobody could see him. At first he thought that he was dreaming or something. The more time had passed, the more he got worried. Just when he was getting really desperate, this girl showed up. From all the people he had seen so far since he arrived here, none of them could actually see him. Nobody except this girl. She seemed to be freaked out herself.

Well, he guessed that he couldn't blame her. As much as he understood her behavior, he was starting to loose patience.

After they had walked for a good minute, he stopped her by grabbing her wrist again.
"Will you stop already!? Look, I'm just as freaked out as you are, but I really need your help right now!"

Facing him, you finally stopped moving, but you weren't saying anything. Oikawa's tone got softer and his expression seemed calmer too.
"Could you at least tell me what your name is?"

You hesitated for a second, but his calm expression seemed to affect you as well.
"My name is (y/n) (l/n)."

Oikawa now had a small smile plastered on his face, as he believed that he had made some progress.
"It's nice to meet you (y/n)-chan! Now, I would love to make some smalltalk with you, but I really want to know where I am and what is going on."

Even though you still didn't really process what was going on, you told him your location. Oikawa's eyes widened.
"Do you by any chance know where Miyagi is?"

You raised your brows in confusion.
"Sorry, but no, I don't. If you don't mind me asking, what are you?"

Oikawa seemed to be taken aback.
"What kind of a question is that!? Of course I am human... though I do understand why you asked..."
"If you're really human, then why is noone able to see you!? They can't even touch you."
"I wish I knew myself. Everything was normal yesterday. After waking up, I found myself in this condition. I don't know this place and I don't recognize anyone. I even thought that this was a dream."

Even though you were suspicious of him, you kinda felt bad for him. His expression was genuine and considering that what he is saying is true, he must be desperate. The women who walked through him came to your mind and curiously, you placed your hand on his cest, expecting it to go right through him. However, you weren't really surprised when your palm actually came into contact with his chest. You could even feel him stiffen up at the contact of your hand.
"Why am I able to touch and see you, when others can't?"
"Uhh... I-I don't know. But I was pretty surprised that you could."

Oikawa cleared his throat and you realized that your hand was still laying on his chest. Feeling embarrassed, you quickly drew your hand away from him.
"Oh, Sorry about that."

You instantly regretted apologizing when you saw his smug face.
"It's okay."

You scrunched your eyebrows at his response and started to walk away.
"Hey! Where are you going!? Are you ignoring me again!?"
"I'm going home."
"What do you mean you're going home!? You can't just leave me here! I'm coming with you!"

You wanted to protest that your parents would never allow him to enter, but you remembered that he was invisible. Seeing you opening, but then closing your mouth, he smirked.
"Don't worry. Nobody will know or care."
"How do you know that my family won't be able to see you. I mean I can see you, soo..."
"I guess we will find it out."

Seeing him with this smug smile on his face, you scrunched your eyebrows again.
"Who said that you will even get an opportunity to find out?"

At this remark, his smirk dropped.
"I have nowhere else to go! I know you've got a good heart (y/n)-chan, you wouldn't just leave me behind like that, right?"

You scrunched your brows even further, if that was even possible. You sighed, not knowing what else to do.
"Alright. You can come with me for now.  We will figure out the rest when we get home."

Oikawa looked relieved and he dramatically placed a hand on his heart.
"I knew you had a good heart. What would I be doing without you!"

In response you just sighed. On the way home, Oikawa kept talking and asking you a lot of questions.

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