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After school, you started to get ready for your 'date'. You were really nervous and it took you a long time to get ready because you couldn't decide on what to wear. Never having been on a date, you didn't know whether what you were wearing was appropriate. You were afraid to dress too casually, because you didn't want to ruin the vibe and you most certainly didn't want Hanamaki's date to get suspicious about you and Oikawa. You both needed to be convincing or Hanamaki's date and relationship would be ruined.

When you were done getting ready, you couldn't bring yourself to do anything else but to sit on your bed, overthinking of what might happen and how you should act. You could hear a soft knock on your front door. When you opened the door, you were greeted by Oikawa. He was dressed rather fancily and you looked him up and down, noticing how good his choice of outfit suited him. Oikawa was doing the same and for a moment he was too busy checking you out than to greet you.

"Aren't you here a little too early?"

Oikawa snapped out of his trance and cleared his throat.
"Yes, I thought it would be a good idea to check up on you, since you're probably a little nervous. So I came here to reassure you."

You nodded gratefully.
"Come in then."

You opened the door a little wider and stepped to side, so that Oikawa could enter. When he entered he looked you up and down once again.
"You look absolutely stunning, by the way." He nervously scratched the back of his head.
"Thanks, you look quite handsome yourself."

Even though Oikawa saw the perfect opportunity to tease you again, he decided against it. You needed his emotional support and he was going to give it to you.
"There's no need to feel nervous, (y/n)-chan! Just imagine that we're hanging out together, as we always do. We just have to act like we're closer than usual."

Your head snapped back to Oikawa in an instant.
"I'm sorry, we have to what!?"

Oikawa looked dumbfounded for a second.
"Yeah, you know, like holding hands and stuff. It's not a big deal. Don't tell me you didn't think of that. Why were you nervous in the first place then?"
"I- I can't, I don't know how to."
"You don't know how to hold hands?"
"No! That's not it! I don't know how to pretend to be someone's girlfriend!"
"That's totally fine. You don't have to do much. Just leave it to me." He smiled and put his hand and on your shoulder reassuringly.

His words reassured you a little and you felt less nervous. He was right. What could possibly go wrong? As long as Oikawa was next to you, he would take care of things.

After some time had passed, you both made your way to where you were supposed to meet with Hanamaki and his date. When you both saw them waiting for you, Oikawa intertwined his hand with yours and pulled you a little closer to him. You knew that this was all just part of an act, but you couldn't stop yourself from blushing a little.

Oikawa noticed that you got nervous and softly whispered reassuring words near your ear. "Relax. It'll be fine."
You just nodded in response.

"Ah, you guys finally made it! This is Lisa! Lisa, this is Oikawa and this is (y/n)."

The girl's gaze shifted from Oikawa to you. "It's nice to meet you guys!"
You nodded slightly. "Likewise."
That was such a dry answer. Now she was going to think that you're rude and arrogant. Damnit! And you told yourself over and over again not to be awkward. Luckily, Oikawa took control of the situation before it could get worse.
"Hello, Lisa-chan! Hanamaki has told us a lot about you. It's really nice to finally meet you."

Hanamaki spoke up once again. "Alright, shall we get going then?"

Lisa suspiciously looked at you and then to Oikawa.
"Sure, let's go!"

Could she tell that Oikawa and you weren't a couple? Did you betray yourself? You couldn't ruin Hanamaki's date!  You let go of Oikawa's hand that was intertwined with yours and instead hooked your arm into his, pulling him closer to you. Oikawa stiffened up at your sudden action. He couldn't allow himself to blush. He had to keep his act together. Why was he getting flustered in the first place? You guys were holding hands just a few seconds ago.

On the way to the cafe, Oikawa was keeping the mood up by speaking the most out of you guys. If it wouldn't be for him, you guys would probably have ended up in an awkward silence.
"Honestly I was totally surprised to hear that you and (y/n) were dating. I mean I had already heard some rumors, given the fact that you're always together. It's almost as if you're inseparable. Wherever one of you goes, the other follows. But it's still hard to believe, considering that you guys look like total opposites." Lisa said with a small chuckle.

She had no idea how true her words were. Almost being inseparable. Wherever one goes, the other follows. Oikawa smiled to himself almost in a sad way. What she didn't know was that they weren't opposites. They had so much more in common than she could imagine. And it was almost as if the other completed the other in what they were lacking.
"Is that so? You should know that it didn't take much for me to fall in love with (y/n)-chan. Once you get to know who she really is, you simply can't let her go."

Oikawa's tone was soft and he was looking at you as if you were the only person he was talking to right now. Your heart burnt in a way you couldn't explain. As if there was a longing for something. Something you had forgotten, but something that was very dear to you. And by looking deeply into Oikawa's eyes, you thought that you could find out what it was.

Just then you snapped back into reality and cleared your throat, waking up Oikawa from his own trance. He wasn't lying when he told you that he could be very convincing and that you could rely on him if Lisa suspected anything. Little did you know that Oikawa wasn't acting one bit. Unbeknownst to you, he was telling the truth.

It saddened Oikawa that you lost your memories. Every once in a while he would look into your eyes, searching for something that wasn't there anymore. He kept remembering the look on your face when he had confessed to you. The look that told him that his feelings were reciprocated.

Hanamaki changed the topic and you guys continued talking until you arrived at the cafe.

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