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The sun was shining through your curtains and your sleeping figure was covered in blankets. You heard someone enter your room and you opened your eyes slightly to see Oikawa standing right in front of you. You closed your eyes again and acted as if you were still asleep in hopes that Oikawa would leave you alone. Unfortunately, he didn't. He kneeled down to poke your cheek.
"Hey, (y/n)-chan. Wake up, I'm bored!"

You furrowed your eyebrows and turned to the other direction.
"It's already gotten late. If you don't wake up now, your mother will probably get angry with you again."

In response you just pulled the blanket over your head, as if it would make Oikawa magically disappear. Not a second later, your mother barged in, yelling at you to wake up.
"Don't say I didn't warn you, (y/n)-chan."

You glared at him and mumbled a shut up. Your mother, however, heard you too.
"What was that!?"

Your eyes shot open in horror.
"Nothing! It wasn't directed at you, really!"
"Get up and go to the grocery store! We ran out of milk and eggs. Hurry up!"

With that, she left your room and left you alone with Oikawa. You started to get up and angrily mumbled to yourself.
"Why do I always have to be the one to do everything?"
"Don't worry, (y/n)-chan, I will keep you company!"

You gave him a doubting look.
"Mmhhm, great."
"Hey! What is that supposed to mean!"

You both arrived at the store and your basket was filled with a lot more than eggs and milk. Oikawa and you were constantly arguing about which food or sweets were tasting better. As a result, you would put both, the sweets that Oikawa recommended and the sweets that you liked into your basket.

You tried to grab a bag of chips from the top shelf, but you couldn't reach it. Beside you, Oikawa was laughing at you.
"If you ask me nicely, I will be so free to lend you a hand, chibi-chan."

You glared at him and looked around to see if someone was watching you. You jumped and managed to grab one package. Unfortunately, a few other bags of chips fell down too. Just when they were about to collide with your face, Oikawa caught them. He looked proudly down to you.
"That was close."

You looked at him confused.
"Yeah, who knows what would have happened if not one, but two bags of chips would have hit my head. You truly are my hero."
"Alright! Then next time I won't help you!"

He pouted slightly which made you laugh. Just then someone walked beside you and stared at you weirdly. You quickly turned around and walked away, while Oikawa was laughing you out.
"That's what you get for being mean to me!"

In response, you only glared at him.

On the way home, Oikawa was helping you to carry the groceries.

When you arrived at home, you began to work on your homework. As you didn't pay much attention in class, you were now having trouble to do them. Oikawa noticed the distressed expression on your face and offered to help you. He was sitting next to you and was trying to understand the tasks.
"Okay, I think I got it."
He took a pencil and started to explain. You were suprised at how good he was at explaining it you, unlike your teacher.
"Oh, I understand now! You're really good at teaching! Did you ever consider becoming a teacher or something like that?"

Oikawa rubbed the back of his neck.
"Thanks! But no, I don't plan on becoming a teacher." His eyes started to glow with determination. "I want to become a professional volleyball player!"

His determination really impressed you.
"I wish that I had such passion for something too. I may have never seen you officially play and even though I don't know anything about Volleyball, I am sure you can reach your goals!"

Hearing that from you made him feel flustered, as he appreciated your support. He looked at you with soft eyes.
"Thank you, (y/n)-chan! I'm sure you will find something for yourself too!"

When you were about to respond, your brother burst into your room.
"Dinner is ready! We're eating!"

The sudden action made you throw your pen.
"Can't you come in like a normal person for once!?"

Your brother was laughing you out.
"I could, but I won't!"

You sighed and made your way to the kitchen with Oikawa right behind you. He would usually just eat with you and nobody would suspect anything. Sometimes they blamed your brother for eating so much, when in reality it was Oikawa who was eating with you guys. You didn't feel guilty at all. In fact it amused you to watch. Oikawa on the onther hand, seemed to have gotten used to your family's dynamic. Sometimes he would even help you bully your brothers when they started to get on your nerves. But on other days, Oikawa would be the one to play with your nerves.

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