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When you arrived at the cafe, you were about to put off your jacket. Oikawa noticed and helped you take it off. He then folded your jacket and placed it beside him. Hanamaki, who had watched Oikawa do it, offered his own help to Lisa.

You and Oikawa were advising each other on what to order. You both couldn't decide, so each of you ordered a different dish to take the other half of each others meal. After the waiter took your order, you continued to converse. Hanamaki and Lisa drifted into their own conversation and so did you and Oikawa. You were so engaged into the conversation with Oikawa that you for a second forgot that you two weren't alone.

When the waiter came back with your food, you and Oikawa started to split it. Oikawa, however, made a tiny mistake that Lisa didn't miss. He was about to give you some fries from his plate, but realized that he had already used his fork. He put down his own fork and took his spoon, which was still clean.

Lisa couldn't help but wonder why he or you should care about the fork being used by Oikawa. Weren't you two dating? It made no sense. Unless, maybe one of you was sick? But then you wouldn't have come to the date and you both wouldn't be so physically close to each other.
"May I ask how you two met each other and started dating?" Lisa covered her suspicion.

You immediately looked at Oikawa, expecting him to come up with a story.
Oikawa on the other hand didn't seem to be fazed by that question.
"Of course. Right before I met her, I was in a... very unusual and uncomfortable situation. (Y/n)-chan was the only one who noticed my distress and thus, I explained her my situation and she decided to help me. We became friends and the more time I spent with her, the more important she became to me. After I fell in love with her, I tried to push those feelings away. But the more time passed, the harder it was for me to do so. In the end, I couldn't bring myself to hide my feelings anymore and I confessed to her."

Oikawa was searching something in your eyes. He almost seemed desperate and for a second you though that he was trying to convince you instead of Lisa. Oikawa was hoping that you maybe would remember.
You, on the other hand, were just confused. Why did Oikawa tell a story that was so different to how you two actually met? He could have just made up the part where you two fell in love. Was it his plan to make the story more convincing?

Your thoughts were interrupted by Lisa.
"And how did you react, (y/n)? Did you feel the same? Or maybe you had fallen in love with Oikawa-san before he even did?"

There's no way Oikawa could answer that question. It would cause too much suspicion if he was the only one talking all the time.

You cleared your throat and again, you felt that strange feeling from before. It wasn't just the feeling of being nervous, but it was a feeling that was longing for something unknown, yet familiar to you.
"I... I didn't know how Oikawa felt for me, until the moment he confessed to me. Whenever he was by my side, I felt a... knot? As if my feelings were knotted together and I just didn't know what it was. But when Oikawa confessed, it was almost as if the knot in my heart became undone. I realized that, I too, had strong feelings for him."

You didn't even think about what you said. The words just came out of your mouth and you felt stupid for doing so. You felt extremely embarrassed.

Oikawa, however, was in a state of shock. He didn't dare to move his eyes away from you. Almost as if you would disappear if he did. Could it really be that you remembered? Were your memories finally back? No, it couldn't be. You seemed surprised by your own words. However, it seems like your memories weren't completely lost. They were still there, in the depths of your heart. All he had to do was find the key to release them again.

Your story seemed so convincing that even Hanamaki for a second thought that you two were in love and dating.

Again you cleared your throat and were about to drink from your glass of water. After you lifted your glass up, you noticed that it was Oikawa's glass and you apologized. You put Oikawa's glass down and took your own.

And again Lisa got confused. Just when all her doubts were gone because of your story, she couldn't help, but ask herself why you would avoid drinking from Oikawa's glass.
"That's such a cute story, but are you guys really dating?"

You chocked on your water and Oikawa's and Hanamaki's eyes widened.
"Of course we are! Why would you ask that?" Even Oikawa couldn't help but to get nervous. What was the reason she got suspicious all of a sudden?

"it's weird how you guys never drink from the same glass or how you won't even touch something with a fork that was used by the other. And even though you two are always together in school, nobody ever saw you guys do something as simple as holding hands. And believe me when I say that people are watching your guys every move."

You were so nervous that you didn't think that you could answer that question without stuttering.
Instead Oikawa tried laugh it off.
"In how far does that prove anything?"

Lisa felt like she was being fooled, which made her angry. Even though she was pretty calm all the time, she didn't liked it when she wasn't taken seriously. "Alright then, how about you two kiss right now, right here. It shouldn't be a problem since you two are a couple, right?"

Her voice was demanding and she probably wasn't going to let you guys off the hook.

"A-Are you serious?" Oikawa tried to laugh it off as a joke, but Lisa didn't take that well.
"Yes, I am. Is there a problem?"

You cursed inwardly. Why was it so important to her to begin with? She came here for Hanamaki, didn't she? That's right. She came here for Hanamaki and Oikawa and you were supposed to help him. If she found out the truth, she wouldn't trust Hanamaki anymore. You looked at Oikawa, who was already looking at you intently.

Oikawa just realized something. When he first kissed you, he was sent back to his own world with you. What if he kissed you again? Could that possibly mean that your memories would come back?

Without hesitation Oikawa put his hand on your cheek and slowly came closer to you. Your eyes even widened and you stiffened up even further. What was he doing? You knew that this was for Hanamaki's sake, but still. You saw Oikawa looking at your lips with half lidded eyes and you could have sworn that your heart was going to jump out of your chest. Oikawa was only an inch away from your lips and you closed your eyes.

Hanamaki was watching intently with wide eyes, not sure how to feel about the situation.

Just when Oikawa was about to touch your lips with his own, the waiter interrupted you.
"Are you still eating this? Otherwise I would take that plate with me."

Both of your eyes shot open. Relief filled your body and you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding.
"N-No. T-Thank you! You can take it!"
You tried to hide your blush and so did Oikawa.

To your rescue, Hanamaki suggested to go out and walk around the city for a bit.
By that suggestion, Lisa seemed to have forgotten about the situation and nodded excitedly. She had told Hanamaki that there was a shop that sold her favorite drink, so Hanamaki wanted to take her there after dinner.

You guys paid for your food and went outside again.

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