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"Let's go to the movies today! Because of volleyball practice, we didn't have the opportunity to hang out as much as we used to." Oikawa was looking at you expectantly.
"What are you talking about? We hang out all the time. And even if I wanted to, I can't. I have to work again."
"Again? Is it really okay for you to work so much? You have been looking very exhausted these past few weeks. Maybe you should take a break." Oikawa's concern was written all over his face.

You appreciated the fact that he was worrying about you. But you also felt a little guilty about it.
"My expenses don't get paid by themselves, you know?"

Of course Oikawa knew. Ever since you were teleported to his world, you were living by yourself, as your parents seemed to have stayed back at their own world. You also didn't seem to have any memories of them. Oikawa tried to ask you about your past a few times, but your answers never correlated with the reality. You had completely different memories of your past. Even though Oikawa knew that you would be sad to discover that you had left your family behind, he was happy that you didn't have to be with them anymore. Witnessing how they had treated you, he wished that you could have gotten the privilege to grow up with a normal and kind family. If your parents would have been here with you, they most definitely would not have allowed you to become the manager for the boys volleyball team and Oikawa wouldn't have been able to walk you to school every day. He can't even imagine how they would have reacted when seeing Oikawa in front of their house.

Oikawa's thoughts were interrupted when seeing one of their classmates that would normally often make fun of you walk towards you. For obvious reasons, Oikawa despised him. He was waving at you with a smug smile. Oikawa didn't even try to hide his annoyance.

You on the other hand didn't react at first, as it was clear that he was going to approach you anyway.
"Hey (y/n). Are you going to work today too?"

Your answer was as flat as your expression. "Yes."
Realizing that you weren't going to keep the conversation going, he said goodbye. "See you later then."
Of course, Oikawa's burning gaze next to him was another reason for him to leave. It never ended well when he would catch him 'tease' you. Though, other people in class would find it rather amusing, Oikawa probably saw it as a reason to break his bones. He didn't even know that Oikawa could get so threateningly serious and scary, though he would never admit it.

"Did he just-... Don't tell me you two work together!?"
"We do. He applied recently and we didn't get the chance to work together yet."
"Why didn't you tell me about it? And why did he decide to work in the same cafe as you!?"
"I don't know. Ask him that yourself. And I didn't tell you because it's nothing of importance?"
"You know I don't like him right?"
"Mmhhm, I know. And you probably know that I don't really like him either, right?"

Oikawa doesn't give an answer to that. He knows that you don't realize it, but Oikawa is aware that Isamu, the annoying boy who turned out to be your coworker, might have feelings for you. He always tries to brag in front of you. Once he mentioned it to you, you told him that he is braging in front of everyone and that he is always tring to impress everyone, indicating that you were nothing special for Isamu. He also tries to get your attention by bullying you, which makes Oikawa want to bury him alive.

"Alright then. I'm heading home to change my clothes. My shift starts soon. You don't need to accompany me. I heard that Iwaizumi and the others wanted to go to the movies too. Maybe you could join them?"
"No, don't worry about it! I'll accompany you and I will also accompany you to work." Oikawa looked ambitious in his goal and while you tried to change his mind on your way back home, he abviously didn't give in.

So that's how you ended up going to the cafe with Oikawa. Though you didn't like the idea of Oikawa being here, there was no way for you to change his mind.
"Great! Now you can watch me fail miserably at my job and see how I spill drinks on customers."
"Don't worry! I'll cheer you on and I'll save you from mean customers!"
"Please don't."

In that moment, Isamu also entered the cafe and greeted you with a smile. When seeing Oikawa next to you, his smile dropped a little.
"The boss told me to help you a little. If you have any questions, just ask me! I'll gladly help."

Both Isamu and Oikawa were surprised by your friendly and supportive demeanor. Normally, you were more stoic and reserved. You on the other hand remembered how much you struggled in your first weeks of working. Your coworkers didn't help you at all and they would also make it really hard for you by yelling at you for the most unnecessary details. You wanted to make sure that Isamu didn't have to go through the same, though you didn't necessarily appreciated how he would treat you.

Isamu tried to cover the huge smile that was creeping on his face. "I will. Thank you."
Oikawa was staring holes into Isamu and he forced himselve to sit down. He couldn't allow himself to say anything that you wouldn't like to hear about Isamu.

"We don't have any milkbread here, but the cheesecakes taste pretty good here. Do you wanna try some?" There was a visible shift in your expression and tone when talking to Oikawa. It was softer and more welcoming. With this small change of your attitude, Oikawa's expression softened as well without him even realizing it.
"Sure! As long as you'll be my waitress today, I'll be more than content with any order."
You decided to ignore his playful tone.
"Mmhhm, cool. One cheesecake coming right away."

On the contrary, Isamu didn't look content at all. His smile faded as quickly as it came and now he was the one to stare at Oikawa with annoyance.

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