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Oikawa and you were alone at home, so you both decided to play a few rounds of UNO. However, that was probably not a good idea, as you have been playing for almost an hour now, yelling at each other and accusing the other for making up new rules.
"Oikawa, for the 17th time, you can't lay a plus 4 card when I just wished for a red card! You have to lay a red card or you have to pull another card from the stack!"
"Of course I can! Stop making up new rules just because you're afraid to lose, (y/n)-chan!"

You smirked mockingly at Oikawa.
"Pfff, as if I am going to lose! I'm not the one with more than 20 cards in her hand!"

Oikawa got angry at that remark and pointed his finger accusingly at you.
"I wouldn't have so many cards in my hands if you would just follow the rules and play fair!"

You also got angry at his remark and put your hand on your chest in an offended manner.
"I am the one who makes up new rules and doesn't play fair!? You refused to pull 4 cards and it took me 10 MINUTES to convince you that I was right!"

"Correction. You didn't convince me, I just cooperated because you were annoyingly stubborn!"

You hit him on his head with your pillow again. You've been doing that ever since you started to argue while playing UNO.
"Hey! Can you stop doing that! You do that everytime you know that I am right and you can't argue back!"

You hit him again more forcefully this time.
"Shut up and lay a red card!"
"No I won't! I can lay a plus 4 card here!"

Oikawa noticed that you wanted to hit him again and this time he caught the pillow before it could reach his head.
"Give me that!"

You both were pulling on the pillow forcefully.
"Let go! It's my pillow, I have the right to hit you with it!"
"Since when do you have the permission to hit me!?"
"I don't need your permission!"
"Now I understand why you come up with such dumb UNO rules!"
"What does this have to do with UNO!?"

While you both were struggling to snatch the pillow away from the other, Oikawa managed to get a better hold on it and pulled it in his direction. You, however didn't let go of the pillow and were dragged with it in Oikawa's direction. Oikawa lost his balance and almost fell down, but his head hit your wardrobe and stopped him from falling completly onto his back. To stop yourself from crashing into Oikawa, you let go of the pillow and propped yourself up by placing your arms next to Oikawa.

Once you both realized in what position you both were, you both started to blush a little. Oikawa seemed like he was frozen in place. Seeing how close your face was to his, he couldn't avert his eyes from yours and he could feel how his heart began to beat faster. Without him wanting to, he moved his eyes to your lips and he felt the urge to come a little closer to you to close the little gap between you two. He also felt the weird urge to wrap his arms around you to bring your body closer to his.

Before he could react, you came back to your senses and backed away from Oikawa.
"Noo! I stepped on the UNO cards because of you!"

Oikawa came back to his senses again too and looked at the UNO cards that were spread around the carpet.
"How is it my fault!? You stepped on it and I told you to let go of the pillow!"

Before you could argue back, he hit you with the pillow you used to hit him before.
"You little... How dare you!"

You took another pillow nearby and threw it with a lot of power, so that Oikawa stumbled back when it made contact with his face. In the end, you two had an intense pillow fight and it only ended because your mother came back home. When she opened your door, you were breathing heavily and your hair looked like a bird's nest.

Your mother looked at you questioningly.
"What the hell happened!?"

You cleared your throat before answering. "I made some exercises!"

Your mother didn't look convinced.
Then why does your hair look like that? And why are there UNO cards all over the floor!?"

Before you could answer, the doorbell rang. It was not because you were lucky, but because Oikawa made his way to the doorbell to spare you from your mother's interrogation. Well, maybe you were lucky to have Oikawa.
Your mom made her way to the door and Oikawa came back quickly to help you collect the UNO cards. Your mother got angry that nobody was at the door and she decided to leave you alone as she didn't want to deal with you right now.

You closed your door and looked back to Oikawa so that he could understand what you were whispering to him.
"You have to help me with homework."
"Because you lost. Twice! In UNO and in the pillow fight!"
"You mean I won! Twice! In UNO and in the pillow fight!"
"Say that I have won or I won't buy you any milkbread this week!"

Oikawa gasped dramatically.
"Are you blackmailing me with milkbread right now!?"
"So that's how far you would go to win, (y/n)-chan?"

Oikawa looked away and started to mumble.
"You have won."
"What was that? I didn't get it."

Oikawa now spoke in a louder and more comprehensible tone.
"I said that you have won!"

Satisfied with his answer you gave him your math homework with a smile.
"Here you go, loser."

He ripped the homework out of your hand and sat down next to you to do the homework. You were working on your english homework, which was not a problem for you. You were good in english but you hated math.

Oikawa looked at you while you were doing your homework and he couldn't help but think about before, when you fell on top of him. He started to blush again and it was hard for him to focus. What was this strange feeling he always felt when he was with you!? Was he falling in love?

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