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As always, you guys were enjoying lunch together. However, Hanamaki seemed to be bothered by something and Oikawa seemed to have noticed it too.
"Alright Hanamaki. What's wrong? I can't even enjoy eating my milk bread because of your mood."

You looked at Oikawa in way that asked him whether he was serious.
Hanamaki just ignored Oikawa's weird comment and decided to open up.
"You know this girl from my class? The one with blonde hair and the cute voice."
"The one who's always cheerful?"
"Yes, that one. I was helping her with homework yesterday. I don't know where I found the courage to do it, but I asked her out. And she... she agreed on going out with me today."

Matsukawa who was rocking forth and back with his chair fell down when he had heard what his friend just said. Oikawa choked on his milk bread and you gave him a bottle of water.

As everyone seemed to be too shocked to say anything, you decided to speak up first. "That's great, Hanamaki. Then why are you looking so down? Don't you want to go on a date with her?"

Hanamaki looked away. "Of course I want to! It's just that she's popular and pretty and..."
"So what? Are you saying you're not worthy enough for her?"

You took Hanamaki's silence as a yes, which pissed you off.
"Hanamaki, I'm going to hit you with a chair. You should be more confident in your appearance! And why does appearance matter in the first place? If Hitler was the hottest guy to ever exist, would it make him less of a tyrant?"

"There it is again, (y/n)'s weird comparisons." Iwaizumi added.

"What I'm trying to say is that you're one of the kindest people I have ever met. You're funny and reliable. Why wouldn't she like you? What's the point in dating someone who only loves your appearance? If she would have turned you down because she thought you didn't look pretty, it would have been better not to date her at all anyway. But she obviously saw more than your outward appearance and recognized how kind you are."

You could see Hanamaki's confidence return, which brought a smile to your face.
Oikawa had managed to calm down too. "I'm still surprised though. When was the last time you went on a date? Do you even know where to take her?"

Hanamaki's face paled and you hit Oikawa on his arm.
"Oww. What was that for!?"

When Oikawa realized that he accidentally discouraged Hanamaki and he held his hands up apologetically.
"T-There's no need to worry about such tiny details! I can help you with-"

Hanamaki's gaze shot up again and he looked at Oikawa excitedly.
"You're right! You'll just help me! We'll go on a double date! That way you can make sure that I don't mess things up and embarrass myself!"

Oikawa was taken aback for a moment.
"A double date? With whom?"
The moment he said it out loud, he just realized that he could use the situation to his own benefit. A mischievous smile spread on his face and he wordlessly looked at you.

You looked back at him confused.

He slung an arm around your shoulders.
"Don't worry Hanamaki! As your close friend, I will help out! (y/n)-chan and I are going on a double date with you guys!"

You stiffened up at that statement.
"Hold on, what!? I didn't agree on anything! I can't go on a double date, I don't... I... I'm just not going, okay!? Ask someone else."
"But, (y/n)-chan! Our dear friend needs help! And it's not like we're both going on a real date. We'll just pretend and it's not like we can ask anyone else. And besides, didn't you owe me one?"

Oikawa was looking at you with that smug face again.
Hanamaki was looking at you pleadingly. "(y/n), please! I can't do this on my own!"

You felt guilty. "It's not like I don't want to help, but... but I never have been on a date before. I don't know how to act myself. I would just be making things worse."
You looked away, a little embarrassed and uncomfortable because of the situation.

"It's fine (y/n)-chan! I will be by your side. If there should be a situation where you don't know what to do, just leave it to me! Also, you can read me and my actions pretty well, can't you? Just try to copy my actions a little and you'll be fine."

You still didn't look convinced, but he was right. You still owe him and it's not like he was doing it for his own benefit. He just wanted to help Hanamaki. Just as much as you did.
"Alright, I'll do it."

Hanamaki grinned happily. "Thank you (y/n)! I owe you one!"

The situation couldn't have been more perfect for Oikawa. Of course he wanted to help his friend, but right now, Oikawa felt like Hanamaki was helping him and not the other way around.

You on the other hand were stressed out because of the situation you were in. You just hoped that you wouldn't mess things up for your friend. But then again, Oikawa was with you and you hoped that he would make sure that nothing went wrong.

Iwaizumi was eying Oikawa suspiciously. He knew that his friend had a crush on you and that he was totally using the situation for his own benefit.

Oikawa noticed Iwaizumi's stare and guessed why he was looking at him like that.
"Nothing, Shittykawa."
"What's that supposed to mean!?" 

Lunch was over and Hanamaki went to his class to inform his date about the idea of a double date with his friends. Fortunately, she didn't seem to mind.

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