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Waking up to the sound of the door being opened by Oikawa, you felt like having another deja-vu. At this point, it wasn't a deja-vu anymore, but a daily routine.
"Good morning, (y/n)-chaaan! You should get ready for school or you'll be late!"

In response you just groaned because you weren't feeling well. Your head was pounding and your throat felt sore. Oikawa noticed that you weren't looking too good.
"Hey, is everything alright? You look terrible."

Suddenly, the door flung open and your mother yelled at you to get up.
"Why are you still in bed!? Get up!"
"I can't go to school today. I'm sick."

Your mother came closer to take a better look at you. Looking at your mother, you saw her staring at you with doubt, as if you were a little child who was faking sickness, so she could get attention from her parents. Seeing her looking at you like this always made you feel worthless. Whenever you were in pain or you didn't feel well, she would think that you were exaggerating and thus, she would make everything worse by always claiming that you were just faking and that you were a drama queen. That's why you often didn't tell anyone that you were feeling poorly.
"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Your mother's expression turned into an angrier one.
"You don't look like you're sick. Get up and have some breakfast. You will feel better after it."
"I feel nauseous. If I eat something now, I will throw it up."

At this point, your mother's patience ran out and she raised her voice even further.
"You will have to eat something eventually! Breakfast is important, so get up and eat!"

Oikawa was watching in disbelief. Was she joking!? Couldn't she tell that her own daughter looked really ill right now!?
"Mom, I don't feel well! I don't have any important subjects in school today and my grades are always good anyway! So why won't you just let me rest?"
"For someone who's sick, you've got a really sharp tongue, don't you think!?"

You were trying to stay calm, because you knew that being anger would only make everything worse.
"Mom, please. I feel horrible! Other students will get sick because of me!"
"Do what you want to do! I just hope for you that your grades don't get any worse! And as you will be staying at home, you can vacuum the house!"

With that she shut the door and left you alone. Why would she ask you to vacuum the house, when you told her that you were sick!? You pulled your blanket over your head and thought about how nice it would be if you could just sleep for 2 years straight, where nobody would be able to yell at you and where you would be left alone in peace.

You felt someone pulling your blanket away from your face. When you opened your eyes, Oikawa was looming over you and brought his hand to your cheek.
"I think you got a fever."
He placed his other hand on top of your forehead.
"Yesterday, we should have tried to avoid the rain more. Who would have guessed that your immune system is this weak?"
Oikawa seemed to be worried about you, which made you forget about your mother's reaction.

When you came back to your senses, you grabbed Oikawa's hands that were still on your cheek.
"You shouldn't get too close or you will end up sick too."
"Don't worry. My immune system is not as weak as yours."

He winked at you and smirked, which made you look at him with annoyance.
"I'm going to sleep now, so you should get out."

Oikawa got up and just when you had shut your eyes, he came back with tissues and a bottle of water.
"I'll place them right here, so you can easily reach them. If you need anything, just call me!"

With that he turned around and got out of your room. Your eyes were still open, looking at the door, where Oikawa had just been. His actions made your heart feel warm. You didn't even notice that you were smiling. Closing your eyes, you felt the need to definitely repay him, as soon as you got better. It didn't take you long to fall asleep.

You didn't know how much time had passed, but you woke up to the sound of the vacuum cleaner. Oh no. How late was it? Was your mother home again and was she the one vacuuming the house? If that was the case, you were doomed. But wouldn't she have woken you up first to yell at you? You stood up and made your way to the source of the sound. Everything around you was spinning and you were struggling to walk straight forward.

When you reached the living room, you saw Oikawa vacuuming the house. As soon as he noticed you, he turned the vacuum cleaner off. He looked worried upon seeing you.
"Why are you up? You should rest in bed!"
"What are you doing? It was my job to vacuum the house..."

You wanted to continue speaking, but you were now focusing on keeping your balance. You were holding on to the doorframe, hoping for your vision to become sharper. Unfortunately, the complete opposite was the case and you could feel your body going numb.

Not being able to hold onto the doorframe anymore, you fell. But before you could hit the ground, Oikawa caught you.
"(Y/n)-chan, are you ok!?"

Seeing you unconscious, he let out a sigh. Why did you have to push yourself all the time? He picked you up bridle style and carried you back to your bed. Even when you were sick and pale, he thought that you looked beautiful. He pushed some strands of your hair away from your face and made his way into the kitchen to make you something to eat.

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