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The next morning, Oikawa and you walked into your class together. Oikawa was still thinking back to yesterday's events, where he spent his whole evening glaring at Isamu. He realized that he was treating you kinder than he did at school. When Oikawa mentioned it to you, you told him that it was probably because he didn't have to impress anyone else like his friends or school mates. Normally, he would make fun of you to get everyone's attention, because a lot of people didn't like you and they would enjoy watching you get embarrassed. Except that you wouldn't really get embarrassed, just annoyed at their stupidity. But even though you wouldn't admit it, it made you feel like you didn't belong because people would always remind you that you were 'weird' and 'robotic'. Life would definitely be much harder for you without Oikawa and his friends, because they never gave you the feeling of being an outcast, which you were undiscribebly grateful for.

As you and Oikawa entered the classroom, you could see how Isamu's gaze turned towards you. He seemed a little surprised and taken aback. Unlike you, Oikawa knew that Isamu was a little excited to see you, which made him glare at Isamu with such hatred, that some people even looked at his direction to identify where the source of negativity was coming from.

Isamu wasn't bothered by Oikawa's death stare and kept looking at you. He was surrounded by a few class mates, who were probably talking to him a few moments ago.
"You know, yesterday, I was working with (y/n) at the cafe and I told her about my upcoming birthday which is today. When I got home and when it was midnight, I received a message from her." Isamu paused a little and kept looking at you.

If you didn't know any better, you would have said that he looked a little disappointed or even sad. Oikawa on the other hand didn't really focus on how he looked like right now, but rather on what he had said. He had your number? Did that mean that you two were texting each other? Were you two closer that he had thought? These thoughts made Oikawa feel very sick.

Before Oikawa could go on with his thoughts, Isamu continued telling what had happened. "I was very surprised at first and assumed that she texted me to congratulate me for my birthday. But when I saw her message, I realized that she had only sent me a picture of next week's working plan."
Isamu's disappointment was very visible now. Some of your class mates were staring at you with dislike. Some of them laughed at Isamu's story and you could hear one of them say that he shouldn't have expected anything human-like from you. At that, Isamu fake laughed. He did that quite often to please others and to seem more likeable in front of others.

Oikawa grabbed your hand and led you to your desk.
"Come on, let's sit down already. We don't want the teacher to think that we made it in here last minute."
Because of Oikawa, you didn't see the the little hope in Isamu's eyes that expected you to congratulate him now in person.

Seeing this made Oikawa even angrier. Did this guy just expect you to congratulate him for his birthday after he had made fun of you in fron of everyone just to be more likeable?

"What's wrong? Why are you so angry again?" You looked at Oikawa with concern.
When turning his gaze back to you his gaze changed completely. His anger was replaced with his usual smile.
"Who, me? Who says I'm angry? I'm totally calm. There is nothing to be angry about, is there, (y/n)-chan?"

Before you could say anything, the teacher had entered the classroom, which meant that you needed to confront Oikawa after class.

During class, you caught Isamu staring at you a couple of times. It wasn't very unusual for him to stare at you during class. After all, he would stare at other students as well. And who knows, maybe he was planning on making fun of you again to make people laugh. You also noticed that Oikawa was clingier than normally. He kept laying his hand on your arm or shoulder whenever he would take a pen from you, which was just an excuse to touch you. He would also whisper something like "is it okay if I take this?" In you ear, when he didn't really have to. He could just take it and he knew you wouldn't mind.

While you didn't understand his motives, he tried to make Isamu understand that he needed to back off. It was usual for him to stare at you sometimes, but recently, he started to show much more interest in you than before, which made Oikawa feel uneasy. Many people were already assuming that you and Oikawa were dating. All he had to do was make Isamu believe that it was true, so that he would let you go. So whenever he attempted to look at you, Oikawa would get closer to you.

After class, Isamu seemed to be in a very bad mood, which you couldn't explain to yourself. On the contrary, Oikawa was smiling contently at his small victory for today. But that smile quickly faded when he remembered something.
"(Y/n)-chan... Isamu said that he had your number... how did he get it?"

You looked up at Oikawa in confusion.
"I simply gave it to him after he asked me if he could have it."
Oikawa's disbelief was written all over his face. "You simply gave it to him? A GUY asked for your number and you just gave it to him? Without ANY hesitation!?"
"Yes? You are a guy too? But you have my number as well? So do Iwaizumi, Hanamaki and Matsukawa?"
"It's not the same! He probably... I mean... You don't know why he wanted your number!"
"Why does it matter? It's not like I gave my kidney or something. It's just my number."

Oikawa didn't know what to say. He struggled to find the right words because he was afraid to upset you.
"Can you... Uhm... What did you two text about?"

Your confusion increasingly turned into annoyance. What was his problem?
"Why is it so important? He usually texts me about homework and school."

Oikawa can't help but doubt that Isamu would only contact you because of homework.
Realizing that Oikawa doesn't believe you, you get your phone out and place it in Oikawa's hand.
"You can check if you don't believe me."

As much as Oikawa wants to see for himself, he knows that he has upset you and that you would probably get angrier if he were to really look into your chat with Isamu.
Seeing no reaction from Oikawa, you take away your phone from his hand and open up the chat yourself to show him.
"Here. As you can see, nothing special."

And indeed, Oikawa is surprised to see that Isamu really did only text you about homework and school. He felt guilty for making you think that he didn't believe you.
"I'm sorry, it's just that I really don't like Isamu. I don't want him to be near you."

Your expression softened a little at that.
"Well, I don't like him myself. I already told you though. Multiple times."
"I know. I'm sorry, (y/n)-chan."

Seeing the guilt on Oikawa's face made you feel bad as well, so you decided to change the topic to brighten up his mood.
"Nevermind that. Let's go eat lunch. The others are probably waiting for us."
You slightly hit him on the back and started walking, getting Oikawa out of his trance. However, he couldn't stop thinking about you and Isamu for the rest of the day. Well, at least you hadn't congratulated him for his birthday.

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