Chapter One: Vaguely familiar yet somehow wrong

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Descriptions of death/corpses

Subtle manipulation?


You could've done so much better.

You could've done so much more.

You could've cared.

You could've been around.

If you were just there it wouldn't have ended like this.

You failed

And it's all your fault.

Anything that happens to you is your fault.

You deserve anything that happens to you.

He gasped, like he'd just gotten a breath of air after being underwater for far too long. He sat up, clutching his chest and breathing heavily.

After a moment of making sure he was still alive and real and breathing, he sighed.

Wilbur got up, stretching his arms over his head and smiling when he heard the satisfying pop of his joints returning to their usual positions.

Getting up, he decided to check his surroundings, but was surprised to find out they weren't as he remembered.

Instead of seeing the usual wooden walkways, the shine from the nearby water as the sun's rays hit it just right, and the colorful paper lanterns floating through the sky, celebrating L'manburg's democracy, there was something else.

All he could see for as far as the eye could see was destruction. Mismatching blocks littered the ground, and there was a massive crater where the festivities used to be. Lava poured out of the ground from a location he couldn't quite find, and the wooden pier, now choppy and broken, started catching fire because of it. Trees were half-exploded messes, and the people...

*Possible tw of some sort? There's like descriptions of how people died and stuff, so skip over that if you don't want to know about corpses and whatnot :)*

The people were all either dead, shoved and trapped under fallen debris or littered around in broken bits from the explosion. They were floating in the ocean nearby, some even in boats as if they tried to escape but hadn't been able to quite make it. Some were even blown upwards by the explosion somehow he thought, because many littered the rooftops of the damaged houses. Some were just laying there in the streets, food or celebratory items still clutched in their weak grasps.

*End of tw; soz for sneaking that up on you :)*

They never saw it coming, and now they were dead.

It was terrible.

And it was all Wilbur's fault.

Wilbur? Who's Wilbur?

I dunno; me?

Do you feel bad "Wilbur"?

What do you mean "Wilbur"?

Answer my question and I'll answer yours.

*scoff* Fine. Not really.

Not really? Do you understand the consequences of your actions "Wilbur"?

I do. That's why I did them. Now stop calling me "Wilbur"; I am Wilbur, there's no "s about it.

"Wilbur"'s head was silent after that.

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