Chapter Eleven, Part Three: A necessary sacrifice OR Losing my Wil

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*You should listen to 'I can't handle change' by nobody really knows who but we all know the song so yea. 

It'll fit nicely to the vibe I want you in :3


Ghostbur felt his throat close up, mouth drying more than a million sahara deserts. His mind raced, chasing the same thoughts around each other: it couldn't be. How long had Wil known about this; did he know before they'd started this journey or after? Did Wil understand what could happen? He felt his heart drop: did he willingly continue, even knowing it could be the end of one or both of them forever?

"Maybe," Ghostbur said, slowly, almost like he was reconsidering his words before they'd even been spoken. "Maybe... we don't have to go back. Maybe we could both stay here. Forever. Just... roam around the world, as ghosts, together, until.... Until forever. That..." He turned to Wilbur, feeling a shiver race down his spine at the best described as disgusted expression on Wil's face. He gulped hard before saying the next line, noticing how he could hear the mix of emotions in his own voice as he spoke: "That wouldn't be so bad, would it?"

He met Wilbur's eyes, biting his lip nervously as he watched his expression.

His eyes seemed to be hard, fury built up behind them. It was almost like he couldn't possibly believe the words Ghostbur was saying, backed up by his lips opening and closing rapidly, as though he was trying to form words but couldn't. Or perhaps he was willingly holding back what he had to say for Ghostbur's sake. However, after a moment, Wil sighed. He stared at the ground, running a hand through his hair, lost in thought.

After what seemed like an eternity, a hundred eternities even, Wilbur looked up, and the air caught in Ghostbur's throat as he realized something.

Wil was smiling.

His eyes had softened, their trademark angst and pent up sass that had more or less always been present amongst their journey had disappeared. It was like Wil had finally realized something, like his final internal puzzle piece had fit together, and he was satisfied.

It was like he realized something GHostbur could not, and would never, realize. Like he was coming to terms with some kind of fact.

Arguably, that was far worse to witness than the same cocky, arrogant boy Ghostbur had been thus far.

Because Ghostbur recognized this expression. He knew those eyes, those horrible, horrible emotions behind them.

That was the face of somebody who had changed, irreversibly, for either the worse or better. And though Ghostbur knew in his heart this was a positive change, a change towards Wilbur furthering his humanity, he still couldn't help but hate it.

"Could we really?" Wilbur asked softly. He tilted his head, smiling sadly at Ghostbur. "Could we actually do that, Ghostie? Do we even deserve such a happy ending?"

Ghostbur felt like his breath had just been taken from his very lungs. It suddenly felt so much harder to breathe, like the air was suddenly a solid he had no possible way of consuming. He touched his throat, knowing it felt the same, that his whole world was still operating the same, but so, so differently at the same time.

"You're so selfish." Was all he could mumble out.

Wil tilted his heart farther to the side, seemingly confused. He's not lying, he's not really confused. He understands what's going on; it's an act. It's an act it's a fraud it's a fake-

"Really? Why?" Wilbur asked simply.

Ghostbur felt a lump form in his throat. He didn't know why; he didn't want to feel like this. He didn't want to get engulfed by random emotions he didn't understand, not now. Please God, please not now...

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