Chapter Nine: Wrong place, wrong timeOr maybe not.

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Four chapters left :,)

Also the Hamilton soundtrack ahhHHHH-


Ghostbur stepped off the train, hearing Wilbur's footsteps tap down behind him. They were in a misty field, so misty he couldn't see a thing. He could barely make out a couple trees, making him think they were in some kind of field, mostly likely close to a forest.

"Wilbur?" Ghostbur said, looking over his shoulder at Wilbur behind him. "Where are we?"

"I.. I don't know." Wilbur said in confusion, voice dripping with genuine panic underneath. "The train always takes us where we need to be, so... Did going in and out of Reality do this?" He ran his hands through his hair, staring at the ground in panic. "I don't know..." He said quietly, like his life was breaking around him.

Ghostbur reached over to say something, but they both heard a sob pierce the air at that exact moment.

They both looked at each other before running towards the sound, Wilbur in front. He skid to a stop as he seemed to see something, realization dawning in his eyes.

"Wait, slow down Ghostie. I don't think we should get involved in this." Wilbur said in a low tone, holding an arm out to block Ghostbur from going further.

Ghostbur opened his mouth to ask something, before another sniffle pierced the air.

Ghostbur shoved Wilbur out of the way as Wilbur said in a desperate tone: "Ghostie, be careful. Ghostbur don't go over there-"

Ghostbur pushed away the leaves dangling from the willow tree in front of him, going in.

In front of his was a boy, the same one he'd seen what felt like decades before. He was curled up, hugging something with all his strength. Tears streaked down his face as he sobbed into whatever it was, something made of stone Ghostbur noted. His small frame somehow seemed even smaller as he curled closer into-Ghostbur felt his heart drop as he moved closer and realized what it was-the gravestone, pressing his forehead into the cold stone, seemingly trying to hold back his tears but failing.

Ghostbur felt tears run down his own face as a sob broke the air. Ghostbur touched his face, staring at his tears, ignoring the fact it was burning him. Why was he crying? Was it because Tommy was crying? Was it out of pity for this small boy hugging a gravestone, almost like it would bring back whoever it belonged to?

He heard the leaves behind him rustle. He turned around and was met face to face with a shocked Wilbur. Something clicked in his brain, and though he didn't want to, his mouth uttered words he didn't want answers to:

"Wilbur?" Ghostbur asked in a small, heartbroken voice. "Is.. is that grave yours?"

Wilbur gulped hard. His cocky facade seemed to break as his eyes softened and he whispered "I... I completely forgot about Tommy. I-I wasn't thinking about him when I..."

He took a deep breath, sucking air through his teeth as he slowly reached out to Tommy. He hissed as his hand went through the boy's shoulder. He pulled his hand closer to his chest, laughing bitterly as he whispered 'Well, that didn't work i guess." He laughed an angry bark of laughter as he clutched his wrist tighter, muttering "What a cruel fucking joke."

Ghostbur reached out to touch Wilbur's shoulder, tell him it was ok, don't worry about it, but hissed as he felt the effects of his tears. It felt like his eyes and his cheeks were burning, and the back of his hand stung like hell.

Wilbur looked up. His features, before written with annoyance and pent up frustration, softened into something similar to concern. Ghostbur had never seen that expression on Wilbur before; it was almost empathetic.

Wilbur let go of his wrist, reaching out to touch Ghostbur's face. He swore under his breath, quickly retracting his hand. He looked up at Ghostbur's eyes, his own shining with.. Pity. Pity for Ghostbur; why was he sorry for him?

"You ok?" Wilbur whispered, in a sympathetic tone. Ghostbur couldn't form sentences for a second from the shock; he simply shook his head.

Wilbur laughed wetly. His eyes twinkled with amusement as he said "Don't lie Ghostie. That's gotta hurt."

It did hurt, a lot. Tears were still flowing down Ghostbur's face, stinging him to the point he had become numb to the pain, and he still didn't know why.

Wilbur looked behind Ghostbur, back to the boy. His expression hardened, quietly saying "Well. That's why."

He turned back to Ghostbur, absently throwing the train to the side, watching with a blank expression as it expanded as per usual.

He tapped the window, the doors opening before him. He took Ghostbur's wrist gently, guiding him into the train. Ghostbur glanced behind him, saying in a desperate tone: 'B-but what about him? Tommy; what're we going to do about him?"

Wilbur turned to look at Ghostbur, eyes shining with that sort of blank, unfiltered danger that would send a shiver down anyone's spine, Ghostbur included.

"We're going to leave him." Wilbur said coldly.

All Ghostbur could do was quietly nod his head as the doors closed shut behind him.


*A.N: so. There's more to the chapter, so part two coming out later today hopefully :3 

Words: 874 (damn.) 

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