Chapter Eight.2: the ghosty bois do ghosty things

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*Is that not what enderman are? Ikea Slenderman? You know im right cmon-*

also here's the actually chapter title bc wattpad s u c k s and won't let me write it bc character limits or some shit idk too early for this: 

Chapter Eight, Part Two: Ikea Slenderman ft. Two Ghosty Bois who have no clue what they're doing


Ghostbur had a strong feeling this was the type of thing stupid people did before they got killed.

He and Wilbur had gotten off the train a while back, Wilbur returning it to its usual spot in his pocket, before giving Wilbur a torch, saying they were going 'enderman hunting,' whatever that was.

Ghostbur soon learnt it basically meant Wilbur sacrificing Ghostbur because he could go in and out of reality.

It would be simple! Wilbur had promised. If he could go in and out of Reality, which was arguably similar to teleporting, then he'd be on the enderman's level, right? He could kill them in the in-between between teleporting and reality! It made sense, right?

Turns out enderman are WAYYYYY scarier when they know they can't teleport away from you. Like, Ghostbur couldn't really feel pain, sure, but endermans hit hard, so it still equally sucked. 

"WILBUR!!" Ghostbur screeched, phasing into reality as an enderman appeared behind him. He ran in front of Wilbur, who was curled up under a nearby tree, reading some kind of book and sipping tea from his cup he always used.

He looked up lazily, watching as Ghostbur screeched. Ten more enderman had appeared behind the original one, and all were chasing after him full speed.

"Just disappear!" Wilbur called in a this-is-so-entertaining-but-im-going-to-try-and-sound-helpful voice.

"THEY FOLLOW ME!!" Ghsotbur screamed, whacking an enderman in the head and killing it, collecting the two pearls it dropped.

"Then kill them!" Wilbur yelled back.

Three more enderman appeared, jumping on top of Ghostbur as he disappeared. He reappeared beside Wilbur, yelling "Wilburrr!!!"

The enderman proceed to disappear, only to reappear behind the two boys.

Needless to say, Wilbur was more willing to help now that the enderman were ganging up on him, too.

After a lot of phasing in and out of reality, Ghostbur was able to kill most of the enderman, Wilbur blowing up the rest with some spare TNT he had. Ghostbur decided not to question it.

By the end of it all, they had a combined total of about 26 pearls total, way more than they actually needed. (Yes I did the math for it, yes it took me about five-fifteen minutes, yes I need to go touch grass because I spent the last fifteen minutes calculating the hypotheticals of how many pearls 13 enderman would drop, and I even went into minecraft and killed some to get even more specific, GOD SOMEONE SEND HELP PLEASE-)

However, they now had to get out of the forest. It was even darker night by now, and they could see the shine of enderman's eyes around them.

"Wilbur?..." Ghostbur asked, clinging to Wilbur's arm.

"Ghostie?" Wilbur repeated, holding onto Ghostbur's hand, voice trembling slightly.

"We can't die, right?" Ghostbru asked.

"N-not as far as I know." WIlbur said.

"Well, could you possibly spawn the train right about now? We're kinda surrounded." Ghostbur said, staring at an enderman in the eyes, feeling his heart drop as it phased away.

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