Chapter Two: Ghostbur?...

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*Tw: Some derealization kinda? Idk Fundy's in this chapter what did you expect?

Ghostbur sat up sleepily, rubbing his tired eyes.

He stretched, his joints moving back into their proper places with a satisfying pop.

When he got up, he looked around to absorb his surroundings, since he still wasn't exactly sure how he got here.

The sun was just rising over the ocean, causing the entire environment to have a rosy, comfy glow to it. The ocean glistened from the sun's not yet too bright light, and the grass at Ghostbur's feet was slightly damp, probably from the usual morning dew.

Beneath him, there was a small town. It seemed to be in bad shape, what with people rebuilding broken buildings and filling in the crater-like ground. However, they seemed happy, despite the broken landscape. They were smiling, and laughing, and the town was quickly looking better and better. In fact, an entire house was rebuilt in what felt like seconds, and when Ghostbur blinked, the ground crater was filled up, good as new.

However, he decided not to question it; these people were probably just god-tier builders, after all. They probably had a lot of practice or something like that.

Ghostbur took a single step forward, intending to head down to the town, but in a second he was there.

He stared at his greyish hands in confusion, wondering how he'd gotten here so fast. Does time just work differently than I thought?

He didn't have time to consider this, because someone was walking towards him, their face obscured by a pile of wooden planks they were carrying in their arms.

Ghostbur scrambled to get out of their way, apologizing furiously for being in the way. However, as he moved out fo the way, he felt one of his hands... it was hard to describe; it felt like one of his hands had broken through the surface of water almost? Like he was underwater and he had reached up into the air, breaking through that flimsy watery surface, and he accidentally hit the person in front of him on the shoulder.

They turned around, and Ghostbur could see their slightly freckled face scrunch up in confusion.

"Im sorry! I didn't mean to-' Ghostbur started saying, drawing his hand back, but the minute he did that, he felt that same breaking-above-water feeling, but in reverse this time, almost like he was drawing his hand back underwater.

The person-no, the child, because Ghostbue could tell he was young based on his facial features- continued staring at Ghostbur in confusion, nose wrinkles growing deeper and deeper as he thought about it harder.

After a moment, he said something:

"Oi, anyone there?"

Ghostbur winced slightly; he had the type of harsh British accent where it sounded like he was either really loud or mad at you no matter what he said, even if he was currently neither of those options.

"Y-yea, sorry, I-" Ghostbur started to say, but stopped when the boy shook his head, mumbling "God, don't be an idiot Tommy; it couldn't have possibly been him."

The boy, or, Tommy, Ghostbur guessed, shook his head harshly, almost like he was shaking the sense back into himself, then promptly walked through Ghostbur and in the other direction, yelling to somebody named Tubbo to throw him more wood, he needed some more planks.

Ghostbur paused, mouth gaping open in shock.

Did he...

Did he just walk through me?

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