Chapter Eight, Part One: Shenanigans in the Nether

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*Quick lil A.N: Chapter 8 is basically going to be like 2 smol oneshots so :3


Eventually, they found an abandoned nether portal and decided to use it, but not after Ghostbur teased Wilbur to the moon and back about how he couldn't build a portal.

Wilbur argued that Ghostbur couldn't either, so to settle the bet he gave Ghostbur one bucket of lava and one of water and asked him to build his own one. Wilbur seemed awfully smug, so Ghostbur had extra incentive to prove him wrong.

Needless to say, they entered through separate portals, one significantly newer and faster than the other, and Wilbur got teased even more, complaining about how his pride would never recover.

Once they were in the Nether, Ghostbur opened his eyes to take in his surroundings. (He'd covered his eyes when he went through; the swirling mix of purple hues made his eyes hurt so-)

All the blocks around them were red, different shades but all on the darker side of things. Flecks of gold and silver shined among them, and grey flecks of ash floated through the air. One landed on Ghostbur's nose, and he wrinkled it, trying his hardest not to sneeze.

Ghostbur walked over to the edge of the cliff they were on; they had spawned in an open area, after all. He kneeled down, dangling his fingers over the bright, bright orangey-yellowish lava reflecting in his eyes. He could image it was probably sizzling down there, but from all the way up here, it was a comforting type of warmth.

"Pretty, isn't it?" Wilbur asked, walking and sitting up beside Ghostbur.

Ghostbur had gotten used to his presence by now, so he wasn't shocked, only nodding as he said "It's kinda warm."

"Are you cold?" Wilbur asked, just the tiniest bit of parental protection slipping into his voice.

Ghostbur nodded, then felt his heart leap into his throat as he felt Wilbur shove him forward with a laugh.

As Ghostbur fell, he watched as Wilbur grew smaller and smaller above him. All he could hear was the wind whistling past his ears, the heat of the lava getting warmer and warmer on his back as he stared, wide eyed and thought Why would he do that?!

And then it was over. Ghostbur hit the lava, submerging completely. 

After more than a few minutes, he felt someone grab his wrist and pull him back to the surface, where he gasped. Turning to his side, he saw Wilbur laughing, one hand on his face in a very arrogant way. (If any of you guys know Tskiyama from Tokyo Ghoul, think of that pose he did when he smelled Kaneki's blood for the first time. That's basically Wilbur rn, but wayyyyy tamer, my man's isn't a psychopath, geez-)

"Oh wow, that was amazing!!" Wilbur howled with laughter.

All Ghostbur could do was gasp at him, mouth hanging open stupidly as he held up a trembling finger to point at Wilbur.

"Y-you p-pushed me in!! To LAVA!! What the HECK is wrong with you?!" He yelped.

Wilbur stopped laughing, lowering his hand as he smiled at Ghostbru. "You didn't know? Well, since we're dead, we can't burn to death anymore. That was the main problem with lava, right? So..."

Ghostbur took a second to process this, before a smile spread across his face. "So... it's just warm for us, right? No burning to death?"

"Nope!" Wilbur beamed, holding his arm up. The lava was dripping off it, almost like water would. "It's basically water to us! Don't actually go in water though; it sort of dissolves us. When you die, water and lava kinda switch effects. Got it?"

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