Chapter Nine, Part Two: Ouch ORBeginning to become human

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Yeaaaa, it's either about to get super fluffy or super angsty s o .-.

Sorry in advance?


Ghostbur sat on a chair next to the window while Wilbur sat on one across the aisle and opposite to him. Wilbur looked out the window absently, grabbing his classic teacup from his inventory and taking a nervous sip.

Ghostbur curled his knees closer to his chest, resting his chin on them as staring at the scenery flashing past.

He touched his heart gingerly. Why did it hurt so badly? Did he have some sort of connection to the crying boy; did Wilbur? Why wouldn't Wilbur tell him about what the gravestone said? And most importantly, why did watching him cry make him feel like his heart was ripping in two along with him?

He held the side of his head; too many questions, and so, so few answers. He glanced over at Wilbur, who was still staring out the window. He had a lost, yet contemplative expression on his face, almost like his mind wasn't here. Like it was far, far away, or even in the past, like he was quietly reliving an event in his mind.

"Wil?" Ghostbur asked quietly, not sure if he wanted to disturb him or not.

Wilbur blinked, almost like he was tuning back into reality. He turned his head to Ghostbur, a curious look on his face. Ghostbur felt his throat choke up; Wilbur's eyes were so soft, so caring, so full of genuine concern, compassion, willingness to listen, that it hurt. Ghostbur felt like someone genuinely cared about him for once, and he wasn't sure how to feel. "Yea? What's up Ghostie?"

He coughed, trying to clear the feeling out of his throat. He touched his face, biting his lip as he still felt the burning.

Wilbur sighed, eyes softly twinkling as he said "Here, hold on." He got up, kneeling in front of Ghostbur. He took to beanie off his head, gently wiping the areas around Ghostbur's eyes, wiping the tears off his face. Ghostbur sucked in a breath of air through his teeth, letting it back out in a sigh of relief. The pain was mostly gone now, thank god. He took a deep breath, noting how Wilbur smelled like a mix of ash, and smoke, and cinnamon. Not what he expected, but it seemed right.

Wilbur stepped back, smiling as he asked "Better?"

Ghostbur nodded, touching his cheek in relief. He looked at the ground, biting his lip as he quietly asked "Wil? I... What do you think happened to that boy back there?"

Wilbur, who was fiddling with his beanie as he sat crossed legged on the floor, stopped. He sucked in a breath through his lips, trying to be quiet but Ghostbur still picked up on it.

Ghostbur continued. "Why did watching him cry hurt me too? Why does it hurt so, so deep? Like... Like it hurts past the point of normal empathy. It's.. It's like I hurt him. It feels like I hurt him, and I'm regretting it, even though I've never even met him?" Ghostbur felt tears streak down his face again as he choked out "Am I a bad person? Did I hurt him?"

Wilbur glanced up, shock over his face as he stumbled over to Ghostbur, pressing his sleeves under Ghostbur's eyes in an attempt to prevent the tears from getting on his skin.

He looked into Ghostbur's eyes, reaching out to touch him, then stopped. "Can.. Can I touch you?"

Ghostbur nodded; he appreciated the fact that Wilbur asked first.

Wilbur rubbed Ghsotbur's back, pulling him into a hug. He placed his chin on Ghostbur's head, pulling him closer as Ghostbur cried.

He sighed, whispering "That's regret, Ghostie. Cold, hard regret. You're sorry." He sighed again, biting his lip as a single tear fell down his cheek. He looked down as Ghostbur, simply whispering: "God, I'm such an idiot."


"I'm sorry Ghostbur.

"I never meant to hurt you."


*A.N: Lolz Wilbur's realizing the consequences of his actions *crabrave*

But in all seriousness, the next chapter's gonna be kinda hard, so, yknow, prep for that .w. 

words: 679 (ayyyy, so close to 69 >:3) 

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