Chapter Ten: Revealing a Liar/Not the Wilbur I thought you were

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Sorry in advance; fluff can't last forever right?


Legit tho? I'm so sorry. This was hard to write so...

TW: Swearing, fighting/yelling, emotional manipulation. Also maybe a little bit of physical abuse so...

Also, there's a paragraph that can possibly trigger derealization, so if you don't want to deal with that, don't read it ok? Stay safe.

I'm so so sorry. Like legit. I wish it could be fluffy forever, but I'm sorry. There's only three chapters left, so I had to do this.

I'm sorry, stay safe, and stop reading if the TWs apply to you. Don't get triggered over a minecraft fanfiction. There's other things to read, and if any of these topics apply to you right now, I'm sorry. Things will get better, I promise.

Again, I'm sorry. It sucks this is one of the chapters I put the most effort into, huh?


Ghostbur sniffed. He nuzzled closer into Wilbur, who squeezed Ghostbur closer in response.

It was comforting, here in Wilbur's arms. It was like a parent comforting their child almost; Ghostbur felt slightly embarrassed for crying, but at the same time it didn't seem to matter. Not when he was with Wilbur-

His eyes popped open. Wilbur.

Wilbur SOOT.

President Soot.

They couldn't be the same person, could they?

But then why wouldn't Wilbur tell him about the grave? Or the boy?


He knew, didn't he?

He was lying to Ghostbur, wasn't he?

"Wilbur?" Ghostbur asked quietly, evenly. He felt Wilbur stiffen beside him. "Yea, Ghostie?"

"Tell me the truth, ok?" Ghostbur said quietly. He felt Wilbur nod, then say "'Course. I'd never lie to you, Ghostie."

Ghostbur laughed, saying "Sureeee~" Under his breath.

Wilbur pulled away, staring at Ghostbur. His eyes shined with genuine hurt, face written with confusion as he held Ghostbur at arms length, saying "What do you mean, 'Sureeee~'? I'd really never lie to you Ghostie, promise!"

"Old habits die hard." Ghostbur simply responded, eyes focused on the ground. He smirked, slapping Wilbur's hands away with the back of his. He stood up, walking over to the doors. He placed his hand on the window, tracking each tree that whizzed by with his eyes as he said crisply: "Was that grave yours, Wilbur?"

He could practically feel the panic coming off Wilbur. Such a shame, too; he thought he could trust him. He'd really seemed to become more genuine, like he'd started opening up to Ghostbur and dropping his cocky facade. Ghostbur really thought he could trust him, but maybe.... Maybe underneath, he always knew it would come to this.

He heard Wilbur get up, feeling a shift in the atmosphere almost, like something had changed ever so slightly. He felt his stomach tie itself into knot as he heard him stomp quickly over to him. He bit back a yelp as he felt Wilbur grab his shoulder, roughly turning him around to face him.

He stared into Wilbur's eyes, shining with kindness and sympathy only a moment earlier. Now, they were hard, and dark, and screamed danger. This wasn't the Wilbur Ghostbur had come to know, he couldn't be, so then who the fuck was he?

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