Chapter Three: Fuzzy is this world

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*Quick A.N: mk, so I don't know very many details about the SMP, since I started seriously watching after the L'Manburg Arc (I more or less used SAD-ist animatics to get the jist of it :) and I looked at Wilbur's house, and it doesn't quite fit the vision I wanted, so for now let's say he lives in this tiny little cabin-ish mushroom-y house just outside of L'Manburg. Ok? Ok, good :)

The person left after a moment, and he didn't say anything else to Ghostbur. He didn't say where to go, or what he meant; he kinda just... disappeared, which was pretty anticlimactic in Ghostbur's opinion.

Anyway, Ghostbur decided to wander around for a bit; after all, it was now a new day. Time didn't apply to him, Ghostbur guessed.

The first thing he noticed while walking through the town was how... fuzzy everything was. The houses seemed to be swaying almost, like they were underwater. No, that wasn't the right word; it almost felt like the world was wavering between reality and fiction. That sounded about right to Ghostbur.

He kept wandering around, glancing at the fuzzy looking flowers speckling the path, and the wavering grass beside him.

He wandered through the streets, smiling as he saw the repaired buildings come into view. He wasn't entirely sure how the whole place had been fixed up in just a few minutes of Ghostbur Time, but hey, what did he know about all that right?

*Quick lil A.N: yes L'Manburg's all fixed up in this story and everyone's kinda just vibing there. Listen, I miss it ok?*

He wandered through the fields, running his fingertips along the tops of the flowers spotted throughout. He ducked under a tree's hanging leaves, making sure his beanie didn't get caught in it.

He continued walking along, not entirely sure where he was going but not really caring to be honest. The whole world was fuzzy and underwater-y anyway, so he could barely see his surroundings.

After what seemed like only a minute but was probably at least a couple hours judging by the sun dipping below the horizon ahead of him, was a house.

It wasn't anything special: just a simple log and mushroom cabin built more upwards than sideways, alternating between the two materials mentioned above to create a cozy looking place.There were also lanterns hanging by the doorway, giving it a rosy glow in the dusty sunlight.

Speaking of which, the house was situated in front of the ocean, with bamboo stalks along the sandy part of it and a forest behind that. It was honestly really cozy to be honest, and Ghostbur felt like he had to go in.

Naturally, Ghostbur didn't know about breaking into houses and why that's bad, so he didn't see anything wrong with casually entering the house and looking around for a bit, maybe even staying the night or the next few if he decided he liked the place.

Luckily, Ghostbur (I WROTE GHOSTBRUH AGAIN, WHY-) didn't have to worry about keys or anything to get in, because the minute he touched the doorknob, the door opened easily under his touch.

He walked inside, closing the door behind him and wandering in, ignoring the small achievement that popped up beside the door:

Ghostbruh has unlocked the achievement: Welcome Home

*A.N: So hey! Yes, I made his IGN Ghostbruh; I've typed it so many times I've legit considered renaming him in the plot TwT. Also, idk if this is an actual achievement you can get, but I made up the Welcome Home achievement for this. Basically, it just means this house had some kind of enchantment on it so only the owner can get in, so yea :) Also x2, sorry for the chapter being short this time, I just didn't have much to say about Ghostbur walking TwT.

Also sorry for how short this chapter was I thought it was longer tbh TwT   


Words: 649

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