Chapter Twelve: The Shattering Glass of a simple teacup

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*From future me, I'm just going to say this: I am currently crying, god why do I hurt myself- TwT

If you cry easily, or even if you don't, get ready. This one... this one's something.

It's really something.

Fricking life by the sea just turned on- TUBBO PLEASE IM TRYING TO CRY DONT MAKE ME HAPPY BEE BOI /j

Enjoy >:D


"What?" Ghostbur whispered numbly. Surely Wilbur didn't just imply what he thought he did, right?



"Wilbur, aren't saying?..." Ghostbur whispered stupidly, pulling away from Wilbur. He felt his heart drop at the expression on Wilbur's face: a mix of calm, yet composed. Cool, and collected. Yet extremely broken beneath, plagued by a pain only he would ever be able to even try to understand. An expression all too familiar to Ghostbur for some reason...

"I am." He said simply. He moved away from Ghostbur, smiling with a numb, yet my-mind-is-firmly-made-up type of expression. "Ghostbur, I want you to go through. By yourself. You're a big boy now; you cant keep me around forever!"

Ghostbur felt the lump in his throat get bigger. "N-no, Wilbur, you can't be serious, I..." He stumbled over his words, just trying to understand what Wilbur was implying. "Wil, do you even understand what you're saying right now? Do you actually... do you mean it? Don't you understand that I..." He felt his voice crack and get smaller. "That I can't go without you? Wilbur, I...

I don't know how I could possibly be without you ever again."

Wilbur smiled, eyes mirroring the same sadness Ghostbur was feeling. Like both their souls were connecting for a split second, simply to exchange their same pain with somebody who would understand, even if just for a minute.

"Do you understand, Wilbur," Ghostbur pleaded, "that if you do this, it'll be like... like I'm losing myself? Like I'm losing the first real person to ever understand me the right way, the real way, forever? How am I supposed to just accept you're going to leave me like that?! Wilbur why..." Ghostbur felt like he was choking all over again. "Why don't you just understand where I'm coming from?! Why won't you just let me be selfish?!"

Wilbur smiled sadly, shaking his head from side to side. "I can't do that Ghostie. To me, Ghostie," He placed his palms to his chest, spread flat out. "You are me. And I am you, does that make sense? I'm sure it does; you're smart, Ghostie. So, obviously I don't want to do this, but in a way, I'm still living on." He put his palm to Ghostbur's chest, tilting his head as a single tear rolled down his cheek. "I'm just living on in a better body than my own. As a better person who actually deserves to be around."

Ghostbur hated that he was starting to understand. He shook his head desperately, clutching Wilbur's hand in his own as he pleaded: "B-but... why do I have to go through? Why can't you? Why... why can't you go through, and it's all that but reversed? You can change, Wilbur, I promise you can; you did just now! You're such a better person than when I first met you; you deserve this more than me! I... I'm stupid Wilbur; I don't understand the world, understand PEOPLE, like you do. I couldn't function as a human; you deserve to be human more than I do."

Wilbur smiled. "Ghostbur, listen to me: you aren't stupid, and we're both already human. This just proves it: Humans fight to protect each other. They're selfless, and they want those who matter to them the most to have life more than they do. So really, Ghostie, we're both arguing at a wall: because both of us are human now, and we'll both fight forever to let the real, 'worthier' person survive on. We're both being selfless to the point of depreciation, Ghostie."

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