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Hey! So.

It's November 25, 2021 now, no clue when this will be posted and such.

Currently, as I'm writing this, I have no idea if anyone's reading this, but if you are, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I hope something I've put over six months of work, writing, and my heart and soul into writing entertained you in the very least, and that maybe, just maybe, you wouldn't mind re-reading it again someday.

If you want, you can ask questions here ----->

About whatever you want, and Ill answer them in a chapter after this before publishing this for real :)

I know the Dreamsmp isn't as big as it was when I wrote this, but I suppose that's why it's something so close to my heart. To me, it's like a time capsule to those old, sweet times, the time's when online school was a thing, and my life seemed to revolve around these minecraft block men that made everything all so much better.

Sure, I still love them now, but there's something bittersweet about finishing this up now yknow? It was the very first fanfic I wrote ever I believe, and one of the first ideas i actually had; its like by writing this, i'm sealing up a time capsule to better days, but better in a different way.

And though I know most people won't read the AN, I still want to say it for those who do read this and for those for don't to hopefully know this already: thank you, genuinely, from the bottom of my heart, for reading this, for opening my little emotional time capsule of the past and sticking with its journey.

I hope our paths meet again someday, and I hope life treats you well.

Once again, since I'll never get tired of saying it and hopefully you reading will never get tired of hearing it: thank you, and goodbye for now. :)


word: 318

(im so sorry i had to do this the word count's part of me lmao-)


g h o s t b r u >:]  

im sorry i had to- 

anndddd that got us up to 352. n o i c e 😎

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