Chapter Eight, Part Three: Getting to know each other

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I'm sorry, I was reading over my notes for this and realized I may or may not have forgotten . key part of the chapter but it was too long so we're just gonna shove it in here. Oki? Oki; you guys get a tiny bit more semi-fluff, just for now your welcome >:)

Also I have decided I'm not correcting the various ways the computer decides Ghostbur can be spelled. Ghsotsisbur supremacy. 



Ghostbur yelped as his head bumped against a chair in the train, bouncing slightly as the train doors slid shut and the train righted itself again, sending Ghsotbur flying once again. It had spawned sideways, doors on the ground and wheels facing the sky, and Ghostbur felt himself get thrown sideways as it righted itself and started speeding away, sending Ghostbur flying again, right into a row of seats. (His poor back. ) 

He rubbed his head, groaning as he heard someone laughing at him. He looked up, grimacing as he mumbled "What's so funny?"

Wilbur smiled at him, eyes sparkling as he took a sip from his teacup. He was seated comfortably on one of the train's seats, one leg crossed over the other as he sipped from his iconic teacup. He had somehow not been thrown around by the train, only falling gracefully from one seat to another while Ghostbur had been thrown directly into them.

"Nothing." He said. He got up, walking over to Ghostbur, He bent down slightly, offering a hand to pull Ghostbur up. (He was currently upside down against one of the chairs.)

Ghostbur huffed, then took his hand, allowing Wilbur to help him up. He flopped into the chair behind him, sighing loudly as he groaned: "I can't believe that actually worked."

Wilbur nodded. "Knew it would!"

Ghostbur looked up slightly, grinning as he said "Did not."


"Did not."

"I did!"

"Did not~"

"I DI-" Wilbur cleared his throat, looking away as he realized who he was arguing to. "Anyway." he took another sip from his tea. "What's life like for you?"

"Excellent conversation topic." Ghostbur quipped, to which Wilbur snapped "Oh leave me alone! 'Least I'm trying!"

"Well," Ghostbur said, sitting up and resting his elbows on his legs. "Honestly? I don't remember anything. Last thing I remember is..." He squinted, deep in thought.

"You're thinking hard." Wilbur said sarcastically, waving his hand over his teacup, refilling it.

"You have a tea addiction." Ghostbur mumbled in annoyance. "Gimme some."

"Absolutely not." Wilbur sipped from his cup. "Addicts don't give away their drug."

"Fair enough." Ghostbur shrugged. "Honestly, all I can remember is something about President Soot." He squeezed his fist harder, feeling his cheeks warm up. "He's a monster."

Wilbur gulped. He seemed nervous, but maybe Ghostbur was imagining things. "A monster? Why?"

"You don't know?" Ghostbur asked. Wilbur shook his head. (I WROTE HIS HEART INSTEAD OF HEAD BAHAHAH-)

"Well, I was reading some books in the fox-his name's Fundy I believe's- house, and I gathered his father was named President Soot. I went to the basement, and I learned s'more stuff."

"Like what?" Wilbur asked quietly.

"He blew up his nation. Because he was jealous. Jealous someone else took his country from him, even though he gave it away. He could've been president for real, but he gave it to someone named Tub... President Tubbo I think. That sounds right; anyway, he blew the nation up so no one else could have it. It..." Ghostbur bit his lip, trying to recall something. "I read it on a map... 'It was never meant to be', I think it said?"

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