Chapter Four: Poor Fundy (Did I do something wrong?)

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*Part One

Inside, it was pretty basic. Ghostbur was kinda disappointed to be frank.

Now, Ghostbur hasn't ever lived in a house per say; heck, he didn't even know you lived in houses until he decided that's what you do minutes ago. (I know; Ghostbur logic? ✨Impeccable✨) However, his brain still told him this definitely wasn't a place someone lived in comfortably and liked being in.

The decoration was basic if he was honest: there was a kitchen filled with all the basics, the only thing that changed was the fact that there was a boiler for tea rather than a coffee machine. The living room was furnished just enough to look comfortable, or, rather, look presentable. On the far side of the house, ;aksdjlfmcds (button smash for good health sox take that out mk oop-) there was a set of white winding stairs that lead up mvnjkdfsklcmks (another button smash for good health? O k -) to another floor that Ghostbur mentally made note to explore later. The whole house gave off someone-bought-this-just-to-look-like-they-were-living-here vibes, and Ghostbur didn't know if he liked that.

He hovered over towards the living room, determined to keep exploring, because, yknow, that's what Ghostbruh does. (I legit didnt even mean to add the H. God hates me ig idk-) However, while floating around aimlessly, his foot caught on a rug near the stairs. He felt his eyes glaze over for a minute as he felt a voice in the back of his head nudging him on, telling him to look under it, don't be shy.

 However, as he bent down to lift up the rug and see what was underneath, he heard the door creak as it opened again.

Ghostbur felt his spine tense; hadn't he locked it after him? He couldn't remember exactly; all he knew was he had gotten the achievement-

His eyes flashed with realization as he scrambled to pull a small tablet out of a bag he'd had slung across his chest.

As far as Ghostbur could remember, everyone on the SMP could earn 'achievements' as they called them. Achievements basically meant you'd gotten a new skill; 'unlocked' would be the term he'd use if they were in a game, which they weren't of course. Unless...

Ghostbur shook away that thought; it was ridiculous. He knew he was real, not some shallow 'character' someone had decided to act out one day on a whim. So, brushing that utterly ridiculous thought aside, Ghostbur continued scrolling through his tablet, eyes hurriedly scanning the list of achievements people had gotten in what had felt like ten minutes but had actually been hours.

Ghostbur had a tablet for some reason; as far as he knew, everyone else on the SMP (SMP standing for Super Majestic Place of course, not, oh, say, Survival Multiplayer; why would that be what it stood for? That was ridiculous) had some sort of watch on their wrist. Either way, watch, tablet, or whatever the fu- erm, heck, existed out there, they all served the same purpose: to let whoever wore it pull up some sort of menu-type thing, where they could see the recent achievements of everyone else on the SMP, or even messages sent to them or everyone else.

He pulled up his log, scrolling through the heaps of random messages sent and the millions of achievements being achieved every second or so; what could he say it's a big server. However, one of them in particular stood out to him:

ItsFundy has unlocked the achievement: Welcome Home

*A.N: Soooooo, hey :) So I may or may not have decided to split this into two parts, purely bc I feel like the next bit needs its own segment :) So yea, that should be out soon, so sorry to keep you waiting TwT



Words: 636 

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