Chapter Eleven: Back where I need to be

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no before word thing only pain


"Besides," Ghostbur said, limping up and flicking a pin by Wilbur's neck. "My Wil didn't have that; a flag of L'manburg, is it? That was something President Soot had, not him."

President Soot gaped at Ghostbur, face painted in the lovely shade of shock.

"On top of that," Ghostbur said, walking in a circle around President Soot, hands clasped behind his back. He was trying to use his manipulation tactics against him, after all. Just until he could find an opening...

"On top of that, even IF we were the same person once, we aren't anymore. Y'know why?" Ghostbur stopped, staring President Soot directly in the eyes, poking his chest to accentuate each word as he spoke. "Because I'm better than you. Because I want to be alive for someone other than myself; I want to be alive to help people, to repair the relationship with Fundy that you didn't give a flying fuck about. I don't want to be alive for the sake of 'power' or 'just because' or 'for justice or revenge'; no, I want to be alive so I can be a good person, something you will never, ever, ever, ever be. Not in a million billion trillion years."

President Soot stared straight ahead, still in a state of shock. His voice shook, eyes shining with hatred again as he said in a low tone "You little bastard."

Ghostbur smiled at him, tapping his finger to his cheek. "Am I? Can I be a bastard if I never even had a father to begin with?"

President Soot yelled, lunging at Ghostbur, trying to grab him. Ghostbur only smiled, saluting him with two fingers before whispering "Yep, I'm gonna go now! Bye!" before melting out of Reality.

Here, in the non-Reality, he hoped he was safe. He could see President Soot looking confused as he moved around, searching for Ghostbur, but Ghostbur had no intention of going back.

Ghostbur started running into the darkness. He didn't know where he was going, only that he needed to find Wilbur, the real Wilbur. He knew this wasn't his Wil; they had switched at some point. They had to have; there was literally no way these could be the same person.

He kept running, eventually finding a door. It was one of those separating doors, the ones that separate one cabin from another. He felt his heart leap as he realized it opened. He snuck in quietly, closing the door silently behind him.

He walked into the cabin, slipping back into reality as he wandered through the halls. These ones were lighter, since the light from outside filtered into the cabin.

He felt his heart jump as he saw a figure staring dejectedly out the window, arms holding the knees curled up to their chest. "Wil!!" He exclaimed, running over to them.

The figure's head perked up, head turning so Ghostbur could make out the features. It was, indeed, Wilbur Soot.

He stood up, calling "Ghostie? What're you-" He was cut off by Ghostbur tackling him in a hug, both falling backwards into one of the chairs.

"Wil! Oh my god, I thought you were gone Wil!" Ghostbur mumbled into Wilbur's shoulder, hugging him harder. He was scared that the minute he let go, his Wilbur would disappear, and President Soot would appear in his place. That was the last thing he wanted, after all.

"Ghostie! What happened, where were you?!" Wilbur said, holding Ghostbur closer to him, voice shaking with a mixture of panic and shock and unbelievable joy. 

"What do you mean?" Ghostbur asked, staring up at him curiously.

"Like, you just disap-! Ohhh.." Realization dawned in Wilbur's eyes as he stroked the top of Ghostbur's head, eyes softening with pity as he stared down at him. "President Soot was with you, huh?"

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