I'M BACK!!!!!

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Hey guys, thank you to all my readers who stayed with me till now, even during my long break. Thank you so much for reading my story, and I am sorry I took so long. I am back now and will be continuing the story. I hope you continue to enjoy the story and support me. Thank you all; I love you guys. And as thanks, here is a special update for all of you. I am a bit rusty, but I hope you like it.


Fujisaki then turns around and walks towards his door. As he opens the door, he turns around and smiles at Hiro.

"Thank you!" And with that, he went inside.

Hiro smiled and looked at the house one last time. He turned around and walked back to the bar to get his bike.


It was a hot, busy day for everyone, especially for Bad Luck, as they had many songs to record and ship out, so they could be sold to their fans. Things had been a little awkward in the studio because not only was Eiri Yuki there, but things were a bit stiff between Fujisaki and Hiro. They hadn't talked since the kiss last night, and when they did, things got awkward in two seconds. Shuichi had noticed things and, at first, refused to say anything, but because it was hectic, he got annoyed very quickly, and the fact Eiri was there wasn't helping him either.

"No, don't put it there!" K-san yelled.

"Then where do I put it?" one of the helpers asked."

The two had been arguing for the past 20 minutes and showed no signs of stopping.

To make things worse, the one person Shuichi felt would be helping him was having his own crisis. Hiro must have noticed Shuichi's stress because he walked over and tried to help him calm down.

"Hey, you okay?" Hiro asked.

"No, I am not okay. I am trying to record these god-damn songs, and no one around me is being useful. K is too busy arguing with the helpers; my ex-boyfriend seems to be appearing everywhere I fucking go, and to make things worse, you, instead of helping me, are having some silent fight with Fujisaki, so no Nakano; I am not fucking okay!!!"

Everything in the room was quiet, without knowing; at some point, Shuichi had started to shout, so the two-person conversation soon became an everyone conversation.

Shuichi realizing this, decided he needed a break and left the room, escaping to the studio's backyard.

Hiro looked around the room at the people who had overheard their conversation, smiled, a little bit embarrassed, and decided to start working on the work Shuichi had left.


It was now dark, and Shuichi still hadn't come back inside. Hiro, starting to worry, decided to look for him.

After a while, Hiro found Shuichi outside, lying in the flower garden, staring up into the night sky.

Hiro decided to sit on the bench near Shuichi and wait for him to talk.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to blow up at you. Things have just been crazy, and my break up with Eiri is still affecting me in the worse way possible."

Hiro was at first silent but then randomly blurted out, "Fujisaki and I might have kissed yesterday! Twice!"

Shuichi was silent, then slowly got up, turned around, and faced Hiro in a sitting position.

"And?.." Shuichi asked, "What happened after?"

"Nothing, just walked him home."

"Okay, then better question, what happens now?" Shuichi asked.

Hiro looked at Shuichi; he wasn't sure. He knew he told Fujisaki to wait, but he still wasn't sure.

Shuichi sighed, "Knowing you, you probably told him that you weren't sure yet and needed more time. Am I wrong?"

Hiro looked down; he always hated how Shuichi could read him, just like he could read Shuichi.

Shuichi got up, walked closer to Hiro till he was hovering over him, then slowly he leaned in and,

keep going...

Almost there...

To continued.............

Haha, sorry, but you'll have to wait to see what happens next. But thank you again to those who have kept up with my story. I hope to see you for the next chapter.

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