Interview contd

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I do not own Gravitation, but I hope you enjoy my story. I hope you enjoy it; I love you guys.

author talking=bold italics

H=Host, S=shuichi, Hi=Hiro, F=Fugisaki


"Well, we will be glad to hear your story," the Host said, turning to the camera. "After this break, we will get a chance to interview Hiroshi Nakano, and after that, we will get a performance from Nittle Grasper and Bad Luck, but when we get back, we will hear the story of our newfound singer and fill the gaps that you guys have wanted to fill. Till we come back......."


No one's POV

There were only three more seconds until the break was over. Nittle Grasper and Eiri Yuki had been ushered to a backstage room to watch the rest of the interview. And a special guest had arrived at the stage and was watching from the tech room.

But in the corner of a dark corridor, two figures were talking and arguing.

"Were you the one who asked them to ask about his family?"

"Well, yes. You said you wanted to find out, so I helped you. Besides, I think it isn't fair that he keeps it such a big secret."

"Okay, but I didn't want it to be like this; forget it; let's just go back and watch the rest of the goddamn interview."

And with that, the conversation ended as the two figures retreated into a room.


H="And we are back with the Bad Luck band here, and I hope you have your popcorn ready because we will finally receive the answer we have all been waiting for—the juice on our rising singer Shuichi Shindo's past. Now Shindo-san, if you don't mind, please start with your family.

S="Okay, well, for one, I can't tell the story of my parents without eventually talking about my past because they are connected. Okay, for one, my family was dysfunctional and disconnected. Yeah, I think those words work. I say this because, for one, my parents had me at a very young age. You could call it the accidental pregnancy caused by a drunk one-night stand at a co-worker's party. I believe my mom was 23, and my dad was 25. Then on December 31, my twin brother was born, he isn't my twin since he is a year older than me, but since our birthdays were so close, people saw us as twins."

With this new detail, the crowd went wild and started whispering; Shuichi had to wait for them to calm down before he continued.

S="On December 31, 11:59, my head was out. But at noon, January 1, the rest of me came out. Because of it, I have been known as a midnight baby, which means I had two days for my birthday. When I turned 6, my baby sister was born; she is somewhere here today. But things had already started to fall apart. My family at the time was struggling, especially with money, which made my father turn to alcohol and taking stress relief medication. But the bad news didn't end there. When my brother and I were born, we had fragile hearts, my brother was the weakest, while mine was minor, and I suffered from other immune system problems. For my brother, it meant that even the tiniest bit of stress could set him off. And it did.  My brother had an encounter at the age of 7 with another boy, an encounter that he couldn't control but maybe liked. And that didn't sit well with my father. Every day he dropped him off at school, he would tell the other kids that they should be careful around my brother or they might get infected by his 'sickness.' It was depressing, and it didn't take long before it caught up to my brother. He stopped eating, and it was taking a toll on his heart. When you have a heart problem like my brother's, death for you is very slow. And he hated that. So he turned to the one thing he had been introduced to by my father, drowning himself in medication. And my father knew, but he didn't stop him. At age 10, my brother overdosed, and when the doctors checked, it was passed off as suicide. It was the most heartbreaking thing my mom could have heard. It was after that that things started to change. My mother and father were always fighting that they didn't have a chance to take care of my little sister anymore, so it became my job."

H="Sorry to interrupt, I just wanted to let you know that you don't have to continue; this seems like a pretty hurtful story."

S="Thanks, but I have to. I would rather deal with it now than someone searching it up and trying to use it against our band or any people I cared about."

And it couldn't be missed as Shuichi carefully entwined his hand with Hiro's, too scared to let go.

S="Anyway, their arguing got worst. One year later, my mom committed suicide. She jumped off a building, and my father disappeared on the same day of her funeral. We couldn't go to any of our relatives because half of them hated us, while the other half didn't know we existed. But I was a 9-year-old kid stuck in a big house with a 3-year-old baby girl. I was confused but couldn't let it show because that would be the end if I did. So I dropped out of school, got a job, and whatever money I got went to getting things for my sister. Then one day, the lady who owned the house just turned around, looked at me, and said, 'Kid, the house is yours.' It was great but bad news because that meant I had more to pay. When the neighbors realized this, they all started to help me. One of them found me a better job that would allow me to work and still go back to school in the future. And the others either helped with food, looked after my sister, or tutored me to keep me caught up with other kids. I couldn't be more grateful. When I was 12, my father came back. And he was always mad; he made threats about how he planned to sell my sister and my body for money. Then because, at the time, I had feminine looks, he hated that and forced me to grow my hair out. Fast forward to 7th grade, I met Hiro, and at first, I hated him, but after a while, we became inseparable, but on the other hand, my dad was just in and out of our lives. Then 10th grade and he just stopped coming by, and I was happy. And that is pretty much how my life has gone so far, at least a majority of it."

The crowd was silent, and so were the others watching, they didn't know how to react. Here was a kid who was naturally happy and crazy, sitting down here and pretty much countering all that, well, except for the crazy part.  They didn't know what to say, but the Host did.


Hey guys, I hope you're staying safe. What do you think about Shuichi's past? Is there something I should add? Please comment and vote if you like. And I will update more later based on your comments. Thanks, I love you guys. Byeeeee.

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