The Talk(part 2)

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Hey guys, please go easy on me. Been busy with school and picking colleges to go to, so uploading has been hard since I have to edit the writing before posting. But I have been writing ahead to upload when I need to. So anyway, I am coming here with another update. I hope you like it.


I looked at Shuichi as he wiped my tears, and after I had gotten myself in control, he started talking. I almost didn't want to hear what he was going to say, but I knew I had to, even though it wasn't what I wanted.

"Yuki," Shuichi started, "I....................


"Yuki," Shuichi started, "I didn't want things to end like this either; I didn't. But from everything so far, I think you can see as well as I can that our relationship just isn't working the way we want. I know it must have been hard for you. First, you lost someone important to you, then were forced into a forced marriage before I came into your life. But you also must understand that you and I need a break from each other. So we need to determine first whether this relationship is something we want and our priorities."

Shuichi placed both hands on Yuki's face, "I love you, Yuki; I do more than anything I have ever loved this way, but I can't keep letting myself get pushed around. I need time not just to find my strength again but to reassure myself that you are my end goal no matter my path."

Instead of making Yuki hopeful, hearing those words made him cry again. He watched as Shuichi went up and slowly opened the door, signaling it was time for him to leave. 

He got up and talked to the door, but before completely walking out, he turned around and engulfed Shuichi in a hug. 

"I will find a way to win you back," he cried, "I don't know how yet, but I will get to call you mine again." Then with his last words, he turned around and left.

End of Flashback

Yuki's Pov

I had said those words before I left, but I still am unsure how to meet those promises. Maybe I could give him space and talk again. But I already did that, or perhaps I could do something for him to show my interest. 

Yuki slowly got up from his couch and walked to his window, looking down at the other buildings.

Shuichi used to love this view; I wonder if I'll ever be able to share this again with him.

The next day

Things have been hectic at the company for our favorite band, Bad Luck. While the company is undergoing many interior changes, the band has been preparing for a concert they will have close to the neighborhood. Except, there was one little problem...

"Why is it so hard to think of a song arrangement?" Shuichi yelled in frustration.

Fujisaki sighed, "Well, I did say just to perform old songs, but you want to write something new for whatever reason."

"It's because we have been doing the same songs during our TV performances, I'm getting tired of them, and I'm pretty sure the fans are too."

The two argued back and forth, unable to see things eye to eye until Hiro decided to speak up.

"Okay, guys, calm down. How about this....."

to be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2023 ⏰

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