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Hey guys, we are back to the original story, but I will continue the story special some other time. I do not own Gravitation but I hope you enjoy my story. Hope you enjoy it, love you guys.

author talking=bold italics


When the song was finished, the crowd was going crazy, even K-san. Shuichi and Ryuichi had written the song, but they had refused to practice with anyone but the band in the room, so everyone was hearing the song for the first time, and they loved it. The two singers looked at each other and bowed with big smiles on their faces.

H="And that folks is the end of this interview session, have a great rest of your day. And goodnight Japan."

With the end of the interview, came the end of the day, and everyone left with a smile on their face, happy that they had accomplished something, at least everyone but one person.......


Everyone was heading out. After the interviews, they all decided to go out together and have fun. They were currently at a club/bar, Tohma had rented out a private room, this way they didn't get stopped by fans or interrupted. Everyone was having fun, except for one person, Eiri Yuki, and the people sitting near him noticed. His sister, who had joined them after the interview, was the first to ask

"Eiri, why are you so upset, you have been like this ever since the interview."

"Nothing, I am just angry."

"Why," Tohma asked.

"That brat comes into my life and starts bombarding me with questions about my past, but yet he doesn't tell me about his, what the fuck kind of relationship is that."

Tohma, Eiri's sister, and K all exchange looks.

"Well,"  K speaks up, "for one, you are the one who has made it seem like you didn't care about him in the slightest bit, so he must have thought you either didn't care or were uninterested. And on top of that he only 'bombarded' you because he knew you weren't going to tell him, no matter how much time he gave you."

"He is right Eiri, besides why are you so upset. I thought you said that you were done with anything that had to do with him. You even went to the point of paying a girl to throw herself on you all night and to put on a show, which he clearly saw," Eiri's sister said.

"Why are you on his fucking side, the last time I checked you didn't even care about the fucking brat,"  Yuki question a little bit defensive.

Eiri's sister was about to answer when a girl suddenly walking in interrupting their conversation.

"umm....sorry but do you happen to know where Angel is?"

"Angel?" K said confused.

"Oh right, sorry. You guys know him as Shuichi Shindo."

"If you are a fan, then I am sorry but he can't see you," Tohma said, angry that the girl had interrupted.

"um, oh..no, used to live together a few years ago, but he has barely come home for some reason, so when I saw him walk in here, I thought I might come and see how he is doing," the girl said now shy about being put on the spot.

"I am sorry but who are you?"  Eiri said, very suspicious about the relationship between the brat and the girl.

"Right, I am so sorry. Where are my manners? My name is......." 

to be continued.......

Yes, a sweet cliffhanger. I hope you like this chapter, sorry I hadn't updated for a while, I was busy signing up for this online job. And boy did it take up a lot of time. Also if anyone remembers Eiri's sister's name, please tell me. It just doesn't feel right calling her Eir's sister throughout the whole story. Well, stay safe. Luv U.

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