My Choice

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I do not own Gravitation but I hope you enjoy my story. I changed the talking information.

author talking=bold italics


I froze at that voice because I knew that that voice was here that means he was here too.

My head throbbed, my heart ached, as my body unwillingly turned to the voice, and as I turned I saw...............


Shuichi's POV

YUKI!, what is he doing here, why is he here? I looked beyond him and I saw Ryuichi Sakuma and Nittle Grasper. Why are they all here especially Tohma?

"Hey Ryuichi, why are you guys here."

"Well, we wanted to come and support you and your band, but on the way, we ran into Tohma and Yuki on the day,"  Ryuichi said.

And for the first time, I looked at him, even after our fight, even after I moved out he didn't even try to contact me. He really doesn't care about me. I didn't know I had been staring for too long, because he suddenly turned and we made eye contact. He opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but stopped when Hiro looked at him and stepped in front of me.

"We have to get going, we don't have time to talk," Hiro stated, dragging me away.

Ryuichi's POV

I watched silently as Shuichi gets dragged away by Hiro, I sighed.

"If you are really serious about getting him back, then your going to have to work really hard," I said turning to Yuki.

"I know that," He said.

"Especially now that Hiro has completely put his guard up around Shuichi," I added.

Tohma sighs and says, "But I just wonder why he always has to butt in, he should be happy that Eiri even took his time to come here."

They really don't get it. Well, then I will spell it out for them.

"First, Shuichi isn't the one at fault, Yuki is. And second, I completely understand were Hiro is coming from. He just happens to be the type of friend who protects those close to him, even when it doesn't concern him. And if I remember didn't he once confront Yuki about what would happen if he hurt Shuichi-san."

They both nodded. I sighed again, this has turned into one big mess. 

"Well, you can think of what to do during the concert, because right now we have to go find our seats."

And with that we started walking to the concert, I really hope they get back together because no matter what either of them says, it is clear that they are both hurting and still love each other, although I do get where Shuichi is coming from. With Yuki, it is really hard to tell whether he loves someone or not. As we walked out, we saw the curtains rising, it was finally time to start the concert.

Hey guys, I hope you liked this, I will update again soon. Thanks, love you guys, byeeeee.

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